Chapter Three- Are You Sure?

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Lily's POV

After the concert I waved a quick goodbye to Cassie.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"To the airport." I replied.

"Oh." She said and gave me the biggest hug ever!

"Wait!" I said as she went to follow her One Direction Infected best friend. I took out a pen and scribbled my number on her hand. She did the same to me.

"If you're ever in Sydney..."

"And you're ever in Paris..."

"CALL ME!" We both screamed at the same time. Then laughed at our foolishness.

"Come on, Cassie." Her friend said. "I'm gonna see if Harry's somewhere close." Cassie waved as she headed towards the exit. No one was here now, except for a very hot guy with curly hair and green eyes who was on stage.

"Hello... Lily." He said.

"Hi." I smiled.

He returned my smile. I melted.

Damn! Why does his smile have to be so... Perfect.

"You were great up there." He helped me onto the stage for the second time.

"Um... merci." I replied, completely forgetting that Harry spoke English.

Damn you brain! Think!

He looked at me with an amused expression on his face.

"I swear you talked to me in English before... and with an Aussie accent, but I was probably dreaming."

"No!" I said, a bit too loudly. Oops!

We listened to my word echo through the concert venue.

"Right," Harry laughed. He was going to say something else until...

"Harry?" A male voice with an Irish accent asked.

"Where are you?"

"Right here, Nialler."

I just died for the second time in the last 24 hours.

I felt Harry gently push me towards the door, where Niall was waiting. He looked furious.

"Harry! What are you doing with this girl?"

"This girl..." Harry stated.

"...Is the first girl ever to be part of our band." I laughed. Harry gripped my shoulder and steered me away from Niall. Who I'm pretty sure was looking at me in confusion. "I'm just going to ask the boys where Niall is." Harry smirked.

"Naughty..." I said.

"Why? He's probably moved anyway." Harry stated matter of factly.

"Well, you stay here." He said. Serious.

"Or I will never see you again."

I nodded. I didn't want Harry to leave!


Soon after he had left. I heard footsteps coming from the corridor. Opposite to where Harry left.

Great... Just great.

The next thing I know... Louis was in the corridor with me.

"Oh my gosh!" I practically jumped out of my skin.

"What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here! The concert ended half an hour ago!"

"Fine... be that way." I made a puppy dog face. No one can resist The Face.

"What are you doing? Go away." Louis said.

It's working... MWHAHAHA!

"Don't you know me? You followed me on Twitter."

"I did? Oh I remember you. @Lily945... right?"

"No." I replied, pretending to cry.

"Oh." He awkwardly patted my back.

I burst out laughing. Louis looked lost. Awwww... Just like a puppy!

"I don't have Twitter." I managed between laughs. I probably looked drunk. Drunk on La Laughs, the most awesome drink ever!

Louis POV

I swear that girl looked drunk... What was so funny anyway? Wait, is she laughing... At me? No one laughs at Lou! Feel my wrath woman! Breathe heavily in, and out. Okay Lou... stop it with the Darth Vader, you're freaking yourself out...

Lily's POV

I calmed down.

"Or Facebook, for that matter. Or Skype, or Wattpad, or Kik, or Viber... That's all I can name." I said.

"Oh... So you're like, anti-social?" Louis asked.

"No way! I just believe in face to face contact. That is all." I said, shocked that someone as good looking as him would say something like that. I pretended to look insulted.

"Oh, and if you really must know. I'm Lily. The girl who only recently you asked for my name." I added.

"Oh. Hey! You have a really great voice. It was beautiful. Why don't you come join the boys and I? I'll take you to our dressing rooms. That's where all the boys are. Harry would love to see you."

"I know." I said.

"What?" Louis practically screamed at me.

"Well..." I knotted my fingers together.

"Harry's the reason I'm here anyway. He kind of asked me to stay back."

"That Harry..." Louis laughed.

"Well why are waiting here? Let's go!"

"Are you sure?" I asked as he grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

"Never been more sure." He replied.

I forgot to wait for Harry.

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