Chapter 2: Magic Show

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"WELCOME!" The voice boomed.  The old man in the fez was sure one for showboating.  He had also not neglected to mention the variety of items for sale in the gift shop.  You'd listened to him warm up the crowd for a few minutes now, and your attention was beginning to wander.

You looked at the inside of the tent.  It was certainly impressive, shimmery blue with twinkling stars.  As you looked closer, you found you couldn't quite figure out how the tent had quite this much capacity.  It hadn't seemed this big from the outside... Maybe it really was magic?  No.  You shook your head, trying to clear the thought away.  There was no such thing as magic.  But as the twins paraded onstage, amulets glowing, you allowed yourself to forget and get swept up in the magic show with everyone else.

Dipper and Mabel Gleeful were obviously no strangers to the stage.  Their coordinated costumes and eerily glowing amulets created a captivating aura of mystique.  From the moment the show begun, you understood how they managed to draw regular customers to the audience day after day.

The show really was breathtaking.  You enjoyed every minute of it, and wondered how such high-quality magicians could stand to perform night after night in a tiny town in the sticks, as opposed to Vegas or something equally high-caliber.  Why were they here?

You chuckled to yourself as Dipper climbed into a box and Mabel began to saw him in half.  Isn't that trick traditionally done the other way around?

Mabel sawed all the way through the box as Dipper made exaggerated choking noises, pretending to die.  When she pulled the two halves of the box apart, Dipper's legs wriggled on the other side.  You knew the trick was traditionally done with two people hiding in the box, but when Dipper climbed out unharmed, you couldn't tell how it had been done.

You gasped in amazement as Mabel somehow levitated over the audience.

How is she doing that?  you wondered to yourself.  You studied her closely as she swooped over you, but you couldn't see any strings or harnesses.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, for our final trick of the night!" Dipper announced as Mabel landed back on stage.  You felt a moment of disappointment that the show was almost over.  "We'll need a volunteer from the audience!"  You shrank down in your seat, not wanting to be the center of attention, but his eyes found you anyway.  "You there, the young lady in the middle!"

You tried to ignore him and stay seated, but your body moved of its own volition and carried you up the aisle.  You climbed to the stage nervously, eyeing the crowd and trying to slip your crossbow under your jacket.

"What's your name, dear?" Dipper asked, shooting you a flirtatious wink.  "Y/N."  He looked confused.  "Yin?"  You shook your head.  "No, Y/N.  With a slash.  Yuh-in."

"Ooooo...kay.  Anyway, for our final trick, my sister and I are going to make Y/N... disappear!"  You stepped away in surprise and panic.  "Don't worry," Dipper whispered to you, "we do this all the time."  Still nervous, you nevertheless let him take your hand and lead you to a box that was wheeling itself onto the stage.  It was brightly colored, but to you it resembled nothing more than an upright coffin.

Dipper led you in a circle around the box to prove there were no hidden openings.  Then the front of the box swung open and Dipper ushered you inside.  You hesitated, then stepped up into it.  Immediately you felt its walls closing in as Dipper shut the door and plunged you into darkness.  You tensely gripped your crossbow for comfort.  You heard Dipper's muffled voice announce something, but you waited in the dark for several seconds while nothing happened.

Suddenly you felt a hand grip your elbow and yank you backwards.  You barely had time to give a startled yelp as you fell back, expecting to hit your head on the back of the box, but you encountered no resistance as you stumbled several steps.  You weren't in the box anymore.

You were nowhere at all.

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