Chapter 20: Stranger Things

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You and the stranger stared each other down, the chilly November wind rustling through your hair.

"Wait..." you said, looking closer.  "I know you, don't I?  I've seen you around town, but you weren't wearing..." you gestured to the tuxedo, "that."

"That's right," he chuckled.  "When I'm among humans, I prefer to go incognito, unlike some other demons I could mention."

He held a gloved hand out to you.  "Tad Strange is the nameIt's a pleasure to finally meet you."

You didn't take his hand, raising an eyebrow skeptically.  He withdrew it with a knowing smile.  That was a test.

"Quite right," he agreed amiably.  Apparently he could read your mind as well as Bill could.

"Thinking of Bill," he continued, still reading your mind, "how is my old yellow friend?  And his meek blue counterpart?" He leaned on his cane nonchalantly.

You blanched, suddenly recalling why you were here at the top of this cliff.  You'd run from them in a panic after learning the secrets they'd been keeping.  You realized he was waiting for an answer.  "They're... fine."

"Is that so?" he mused, knowing you were lying.  "I must admit, I've been quite eager to meet you in person.  I'm curious to learn what type of human could manage to keep not one, but two of my kind wrapped around her finger."  He leaned in, the picture of polite interest.  "Exactly what is so special about you?"

"Nothing," you insisted flatly.  "I'm a normal human."

"If you say so."  He smiled, amused.

You took a deep breath, your patience waning.  "Did you want something, or are you just here to make me uncomfortable?  In case you hadn't noticed, I'm in the middle of an emotional crisis."

"Of course I noticed.  That's why I'm here.  You're alone, you're desperate, you think everything is ruined between you and the two people you care about most in the world," he said, appearing genuinely empathetic.  "You don't see a way out, and if I'm not mistaken, if I hadn't turned up when I did, you might have been found at the bottom of this cliff."

You reddened, not wanting to remember that your thoughts had briefly wandered in that direction before Tad Strange had shown up.  You covered your embarrassment by snapping, "what's it to you?"

"Why, I want to help you," he said, still seeming genuinely concerned.  You were very familiar with Bill's "fake sympathy" face, but you couldn't detect any insincerity coming from Strange.  "If you feel your relationships are truly broken beyond repair so that you feel your only option is, well..." he swept his hand toward the cliff.  "I can offer you another choice.  I can help you fix everything."

"You seem to forget that I live with demons.  I know your kind never offers anything without something in return."  You'd seen firsthand the consequences of an ill-considered demon deal.

"Like I said, I'm curious."  He didn't seem offended.  "Obviously there must be something special about you, despite your protests to the contrary, and you've caught my attention.  I want to get closer to you, observe you.  I thought that over the millennia, there was nothing I hadn't seen, but you seem to be something entirely new."

"Like, what, a third roommate?" you asked skeptically.  "I don't think my apartment is big enough."

He chuckled.  "Nothing so intrusive.  I'd be watching from a distance, like the shadow of a tree outside your window, the whisper of a footstep echoing behind yours."

"Less metaphors, more specifics."

"I want access to your mind."


"Don't speak so soon," he warned.  "I merely want to observe, not interfere.  And isn't your privacy a small price to pay to obtain your most desperate wish?  After all," he gestured to the cliff again, "what do you have left to lose?"

What do I have left to lose? you asked yourself.  I could go back home now... try to patch things up with Bill and Will... the thought made you cringe.  Is it really too late?  Am I overreacting?  I could make them promise not to go through with their plans, try to force them to keep things the way they are... You couldn't even imagine going back to normal with them after this.  You'd never trust them again, and they'd never trust each other, always thinking that the other might be trying to steal you away.

"I... I want..." you whispered.

"What is it you want?  And what are you willing to sacrifice for it?"  He held out his hand.

"I just want everything to go back to how it used to be," you blurted, then grabbed his hand before you could think twice. 

His eyes flashed, his smile becoming something other than friendly, and you immediately realized you'd been reckless.  White fire flared up around your linked hands, sealing the deal before you could take it back.

"The deal is made," Strange intoned in a deep voice.  "I hope you can live with the result."  The fire traveled up your arm, quickly covering you.  Unlike the previous deals you'd made with Bill, which had been painless, this fire burned like you were gripping the Sun itself.  You tried to scream as the fire filled your vision, but you couldn't find your voice.  Everything turned white... then everything went black.


(A/N: Epilogue and thanks coming tomorrow!)

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now