Chapter 8: Dream Demon

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Several days after Will's nightmare incident, you had a nightmare of your own.  You were sitting on a high cliff, your legs dangling over the edge.  You couldn't see the bottom, but you could hear the ocean.  You swung your legs casually, eating a granola bar as an x-shaped rift opened in the sky and a horde of monsters flooded out.

I wonder what this is all about?  You wondered.  My nightmares are usually more... abstract.

"Glad you asked, kid!" a voice piped up from right next to you.  You jumped, nearly toppling off the cliff.  Sitting next to you on the cliff was a yellow Dorito in a top hat.

Wait... I recognize that voice.  "You're Bill, aren't you?"

"Glad you remember me!  We didn't formally meet before you threw me into that portal to save my whiny brother."  His eye flashed red for the briefest moment.

"Technically, it was an accident.  Also, it's Dipper's fault.  He took you with him."

"Don't remind me, kid," he said in a warning voice.  He held up his hand, and you could see the chain still attached to his wrist, the other end vanishing into nothingness.  "Thanks to you, I'm still bound to that deal, but the terms have changed.  Now I'm stuck on the other side as Dipper's slave."  He seemed to be restraining his murderous rage.

"So he's still alive, then?"  You couldn't decide whether to be relieved or concerned.

"That's right, and I'm here to deliver a warning.  He's coming for you, and as hilarious as pain is, I don't envy you the suffering you'll experience before he finally lets you die.  And as soon as he's through with you, he'll move on to the crybaby."

You felt something clutch at your heart.  Will.

You forced composure onto your face and took a casual bite of your granola bar.  "Is that it?" 

He seemed surprised.  "Is what it?"

"Is that all you're here for?  Can I wake up now?"  You sensed that indifference would be your best weapon against his threats.

"Since you asked," he cackled, "I'm also here to scare you a bit.  Have fun with what comes next!"  He vanished in a flash of blue flame.  You watched as the monsters in the sky flocked closer.

Well, it could be worse.  Your granola bar turned into maggots.  You shrugged and took another bite.  It wasn't half bad, actually.

You were determined that you would not let this demon's mind games get to you.  You'd faced manipulative people before, and developed an immunity to this kind of pressure.  You looked up at the flying monsters, about to make you their lunch, and decided to end this dream on your own terms.  Closing your eyes, you shifted forwards and pitched off the cliff.  You couldn't hold back a scream of exhilaration and fear as you tumbled towards the unseen ocean far below.

"Y/N!" You jerked awake to Will's hands shaking you frantically.  "Are you okay?"

"Will..." You sat up in bed.  It was still dark outside.  "Bill was in my dream and-"

"I know, I could sense him.  I tried to pull you out, but he's always been stronger than me..." He looked like he was about to cry again.  You didn't want to stress him further, but you couldn't keep this from him.

"He had a message from Dipper."  Will's eye widened.  "D-Dipper?!"

"Yes..." you hesitated.  "Bill says Dipper's coming to kill us."

"N-No!" Will cried, unable to hold back tears.  "I won't let that happen!  I'll protect you, Y/N!"

You pulled him onto your bed, holding him close.  "I'll protect you too, Will.  We'll get through this together."

You sat with him all night, unwilling to fall back to sleep, afraid of what the morning might bring but knowing you had no choice but to face whatever came next.

At least I won't be alone.  You could tell he was thinking the same thing.

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now