Author's Note: What Now?

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Hello everyone, friendly author-chan here.  I've been having so much fun writing this, it went much faster than I was expecting!  Now I've reached the end of the plot I'd planned out, but I don't want to stop!  I think I might pad this out with one-shots and domestic fluff, because those things are FUN to write. :D

Therefore, I have a decision to make.  I could jump straight into the ending now, and add extras later as I see fit, or I could hold off on ending this and put in the extras before the rest of the plot.

I'm basically writing this for two people: My #1 fan Sakurano_Toon and my cheerleader RealityInsanity, who gave me the confidence to take the first step.  But if anyone else is reading this and has any opinions about which content I should focus on first, please comment with your ideas!

I'm already planning to add a few fluffy bits before the ending anyway, maybe another montage (those are hilarious), so you can also tell me any one-shot requests  if there's anything you want me to make these dorks do.

I'm impressed that anyone actually read this!  I love the internet!


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