Chapter 17: Found

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You sat on the floor, eyes closed.

"Are you s-sure you want to do this?"

"Do it."

When you opened your eyes, you were in the Dreamscape.

You stood up slowly. Will hadn't come with you, staying behind in the real world to fix your kitchen. Fortunately, you'd had leftover pizza to eat.

"Now, if I were a Dorito, where would I be hiding?" you muttered to yourself, scanning your surroundings. You didn't see any sign of a pantry, vending machine, or supermarket (the natural habitat of the Dorito).

You cupped your hands around your mouth. "Bill!" you hollered. "Get out here!"

You'd tried summoning Bill a good dozen times from the real world, but he hadn't answered. You didn't know if he'd answer now, but you weren't giving up until you found him. Without Will, you'd be stuck in the Dreamscape until Bill showed himself anyway.

"Bill Cipher!" you yelled again, louder. "Where are you?"

"Jeez, what do you want, kid? I'm right in the middle of a good sulk here." You whipped around, seeing Bill in his Dorito form, twirling his cane casually but with something scary in his eye.

"Since you make a point of reading my mind, I think you know what I want." you crossed your arms stubbornly.

"That may be so, kid, but that doesn't mean I have any intention of hopping back to your crappy apartment like some obedient dog," he said stiffly, his indifferent façade starting to crack.

"You're not a dog. You're my demon," you said with a smile.

His body turned red. "I'm not your anything, kid, and you've made it clear that you're not mine either. And if that's the case, then we have nothing more to say to each other."

You stood your ground, allowing your thoughts to broadcast clearly. He is similar to Will, but I don't pity either of them. Underneath Bill's rage and Will's sorrow, there's the same loneliness there. They just deal with it differently.

He cackled wildly. "You think I'm lonely? That is rich! I'm a being of pure energy! I can conjure up anything I want! You have the nerve to think I'm LONELY?" His voice deepened into a snarl.

Yup. Lonely. He really needs a hug.

"Get out of here, Y/N," he warned. "I won't tell you again." Monsters sprung up around you, surrounding you with nightmares, but you still didn't back off.

I can help him, you thought firmly. I can save both of them. You took a deep breath, steeling yourself, then attacked the monster directly ahead of you.  You used the same mind-magic you'd used against Dipper, conjuring your crossbow and killing everything in your path.

A mutant pterodactyl suddenly knocked you down, pinning you to the ground.  You flailed in panic, trying to escape, but you couldn't move.  As its jaws closed around your head, it suddenly faded into mist.

You stood up slowly.  I guess he doesn't want me dead after all.  You could see him now, blocked by scenes from your recent traumatic experiences.  You rushed forward, pushing past the ghostly versions of Dipper and Mabel, Stan and Ford, until you were in front of the red triangle. Bill turned away, ready to teleport, but you caught his stick-figure hand.

You're not weak, Bill, you kept broadcasting your thoughts to him. But being alone doesn't make you stronger. It's okay to need me, the same way I need you.

He tugged his arm, trying to break your grip, but it was a halfhearted attempt.   "Please come home, Bill," you said out loud as he slowly turned from red to yellow. "Let's make some popcorn and watch old movies."

"Hold your horses, kid," he said in the obnoxious tone you'd come to tolerate. "Just cause I don't want to kill you doesn't mean I've agreed to be your obedient lapdog or anything."

You chuckled in relief, knowing that his denial more than anything meant that you'd patched things up. You grabbed his other hand, spinning him in a circle until you were both laughing.

When your giggles subsided, you found yourself in your apartment again, still holding Bill's human hands. Will came in from the kitchen on hearing you return. You pretended not to notice the hurt look on his face when he saw you together. You pulled away, blushing but still smiling.

"Well," you said, trying to fill the sudden silence. "My kitchen is fixed, my boys are home, and everything is as it should be."

Bill and Will looked at each other uneasily. "Right...." they said together.

"None of that," you said sharply. "If we're going to live together here, we're all going to get along and that is that."

They both cowered under your glare. "Yes, ma'am," they chorused meekly.

You nodded, satisfied.  "Good.  Now let's see what's on TV."

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now