Chapter 13: Revenge of the Fez

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You woke up slowly, trying to sit up and falling back with a groan.  Where am I?  My head is killing me.  Wasn't I at a party last night?  Or... oh.  You suddenly remembered what had happened.  Those two creepy old men kidnapped me!

You tried to sit up again, only to find yourself held down with some kind of magical restraint.  You looked around slowly, trying not to jar your aching head.  Your heart filled with terror as you took in your surroundings.

You were lying on the ground at the edge of a deep pit.  Craning your neck, you could see that the pit was mostly filled with water.  Not a pit, then.  A well.  You were in the middle of a musty basement, much older and more decrepit than the basement beneath the Tent of Telepathy.  Straining to see to the opposite wall of the dark room, you felt your heart throb painfully.

A large machine was taking up almost half of the basement.  It was shiny and new-looking, out of place in this musty tomb.  Sinister-looking cables snaked from its base, leading into the well.  And in the center of the machine, strapped into a chair, was Will.

Did those old men kidnap him too?  Were they in my apartment?  Will had obviously put up a fight.  His nose was bleeding and his eye patch was missing, revealing a glowing blue eye with a slit pupil.  Electrodes were attached to his head, connecting him to the machine.  He stared at you with terror-filled eyes, trying to talk through the gag in his mouth.  You wanted to tell him it would be alright, but you couldn't bring yourself to tell such an obvious lie.

"Ford, she's awake," you heard a familiar voice behind you.  You turned your head to see the old man standing behind you, arms folded, staring impassively.  The other man, Ford, came out from behind the machine.

"About time.  Stan, come help me configure this."  Ford was pressing buttons on the machine.  Will watched him, shaking violently, too frightened even to cry.  Stan joined him and they both started fiddling with the machine.

Ford pressed one more button and they both stepped back as an electric shock ran through Will.  He screamed through the gag as the shock ran through the cables next to you, causing the well water to glow ominously.

"Will!" you shouted, finally finding your voice.  Stan turned to you as Ford turned back to the machine.

"You can't help him now, missy," he growled.  "I'd be more worried about yourself if I were you."

"Why are you doing this?" you asked desperately.  "Just for revenge?  I know what happened was all my fault, but doing this won't bring Dipper and Mabel back!"

"Actually," he said with an evil smile, "I think it will."

He walked to the very edge of the well, studying the glowing water.  "This well was once said to grant wishes in exchange for sacrifices.  It's long since lost its power, but with a combination of science and a magic boost from our little pet there," he motioned to Will, "I think we've managed to get it working again."

You were horrified.  They were going to sacrifice you to try to bring back Dipper and Mabel!  They're insane!  It won't work!  Where's Bill?  You cringed as you remembered the last time you'd seen Bill.  You had kicked him out of your apartment.  He looked so sad... What if that was the last time I ever saw him?  You couldn't bear to think about it.

Electricity continued to pulse through the machine.  Will seemed to be in great pain.  He was crying now and couldn't seem to catch his breath.  The water next to you kept glowing, brighter and brighter.

"It's ready," said Ford, stepping away from the machine.  "Do it."

"Sorry about this, kid," Stan said, walking over to you.

"No! Wait!" you shrieked as he kicked you and you toppled into the well.  You gasped in a breath, then hit the water with a painful splash.

The only thing your mind could register was cold.  The water was so cold it seemed to clamp down on your bones, forcing the air out of your lungs.  You sunk deeper, lost in the glowing water.  In some part of your brain that was detached from the situation, you dimly wondered whether you would freeze to death before you had a chance to drown.

All around you, you felt a malevolent presence seem to awaken.  It reached for you, pulling you ever deeper into the abyss.  The light around you seemed to dim, and you realized you were dying.  Through the cold and the darkness, you felt yourself hit the bottom of the well.

Will... you thought.

"Not quite," you heard faintly.  Then you felt warm hands wrap around your upper arms.  You were so cold and numb that the sudden warmth felt painful.  You felt a jolt, and found yourself back in the basement, standing on the edge of the well.  The hands still held your arms, keeping you upright.

"You know," a familiar obnoxious voice came from right behind you, "it's no secret that I think pain is hilarious."

You threw up water, gasping and choking.  Bill pulled you towards him and you leaned against his chest, trying to catch your breath.

"Suffering of all kinds, actually, mine and others'," he continued cheerfully.  Stan and Ford seemed frozen in place, held back by Bill's magic as he kept talking.

"Causing pain for humans has been my favorite pastime for millennia." He cocked his head, his smile fading.  "And yet, somehow, when it comes to this particular human," he held you a little tighter, "I don't seem to find it very funny."

He set you gently on the ground, wrapping his tailcoat around you.  You were still shivering so hard from the cold you couldn't move, and your breath came in tiny gasps. 

"Not to mention, you're hurting my brother. I know it's hilarious to make him cry, but only I get to do that."  Bill stepped towards them threateningly, eye glowing red, and you turned your head and closed your eyes.  You didn't want to see what came next.

"Now, let me show you what happens when someone tries to take what's mine."

You lay there on the ground, coughing so hard your entire body shook.  You ignored the crunching sounds and screaming coming from the other side of the room.  Finally, when all was quiet, you risked a glance in that direction.

Stan and Ford had vanished.  There was no blood, no bodies, no sign of them anywhere.  Bill was leaning over Will, pulling the electrodes off his head and checking his glowing eye gently.  He snapped his fingers, making the restraints vanish, and helped Will out of the chair.

Bill came back over to you, one supportive arm around Will.  You felt yourself lift off the floor, carried by Bill's magic, and you were surrounded by something warm and soft.  You felt your clothes and hair dry as an arm wrapped around you.

"Come on, Y/N.  Let's go, Will.  It's time to go home," you heard him say as everything went black.

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now