Chapter 11: Montage (part 2)

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Day 1: House Training

Your apartment was.  A.  MESS.  While you were sleeping, Bill had taken a pair of scissors to your curtains, your towels, and every one of your socks.  He had then gone on to eat everything in your fridge and pour two gallons of lemonade all over himself, laughing maniacally the whole time.  Now you sat on your sofa, staring blankly into space, having given up the fight to make him behave.  You watched dully as he sprinted past you, cackling, a roll of toilet paper unfurling in each hand.  As he spread it all over the room, some of it landed on your head.  You didn't bother to brush it away.

He'll get bored of this eventually, you thought.  This is just like the nightmare he gave me.  He's playing mind games, trying to make me angry.  I can't give him any power.  Once he realizes his tricks won't work on me, he'll give up. I hope.

Even for a demon, a five-pound bag of Kit Kats was enough to cause a sugar crash.  Ten minutes later, Bill was asleep on the kitchen floor, hugging your blender like a teddy bear.  You watched him for a moment.  He seemed strangely peaceful.  You considered for a moment, then found a blanket in the closet that had escaped the wreckage and tossed it over him.  Then you stepped past him and walked through the house, making a list of the things you'd need to replace.

You stopped at Will's door.  He had been hiding in his room all day, avoiding the carnage.  Avoiding you, too, probably.  Things were still awkward between you.  You hesitated, then knocked.  He opened the door a crack.

"W-what is it?" he muttered.

"I need to go to the store and replace... Well, the entire house, basically.  Do you want to come?" you asked.

He didn't open the door any further.  "I d-don't know..."

"Allow me to rephrase.  Do you want to go shopping with me for a few hours, or be left all alone with Bill?"

He threw open the door. "Let's go."

Day 2: Shower (part 2)

Having spent the day repairing and replacing most of your apartment, you were rewarding yourself with a nice long shower.  You were shampooing and singing when you suddenly had a sense of deja vu.

I don't want to look... You looked anyway.  Sure enough, there was Bill, lounging on the counter, grinning like he hadn't a care in the world.  You stared at him for a long moment, then went back to singing and soaping.

He's taunting me.  I can't let his mind games get to me, ever.  Acting like it didn't bother you at all, you finished your shower at a leisurely pace, refusing to look his way. 

You shut off the water and slid open the glass door.  "Hand me that towel?" you asked casually.  He hopped off the counter and gave you one of your brand-new towels.  You wrapped it around yourself securely and stepped out of the shower.

As you reached for another towel for your hair, Bill leaned into your personal space, a nauseating smirk on his face.  You raised an eyebrow at him.

"Something on your mind, Y/N?" he purred.  You pretended to consider.

"Well, I do know something you don't know."

"And what might that be?"

"What the steam in here is doing to your nice suit."

He glanced down at himself, surprised.  "Crap!" he vanished into thin air.  You smirked.  And a point for me.

You left the bathroom to find Will in the hallway, staring at you with a hurt expression.  "What was that all about?" he demanded. 

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now