One-Shot: Bill Doesn't Understand Feelings

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It was about 4 A.M. and you were still awake.

It had been a stressful day, and you found yourself reliving it instead of sleeping.  Eventually you sighed, flicked your light on, and headed down the hall.  You paused at Will's door, but decided not to wake him.

You ended up on the couch with a mug of tea, intending to fry your brain with mindless television until you were either asleep or it was morning.  You took an experimental sip, but it was still too hot.

"What's shakin', bacon?" Bill's voice came from about an inch behind your head.

"GACK!" you shrieked, spilling your tea all over yourself.  "Ouch!  Bill!  What was that for?!"

"It's not my fault you're easily startled," he said, coming around the couch and flopping next to you.  "What are you doing awake?"

"I could ask you the same question," you said, offended.  "What do you do all night, anyway?"

"Hang around, mostly.  Plan vengeance on those who have wronged me.  Watch you sleep."

You glared at him suspiciously, but decided not to ask if he was telling the truth.  "I couldn't sleep, that's all.  Too much on my mind."

"Okay." he seemed content to let it go at that, but you suddenly found yourself confessing to Bill everything that was stressing you.

"I got a phone call from my dad, and we don't get along but it really made me homesick, and I walked past the police station today, and they're obviously incompetent, which explains why I haven't been arrested but it made me feel really guilty, and I got my new phone which reminded me that I never texted Robbie and I've been here for months and I haven't made a single human friend," you blurted all in one breath, then heaved a shaky sigh.  You glanced at Bill to find him frozen, looking at you with mild panic in his eyes.

You sat in silence for a moment.  You got the feeling he didn't know what to say.

What have I done, you thought to yourself.  I just confided in the world's worst confidante.

"Um..." he finally broke the silence.  "Do you want some deer teeth?"  He held out a handful of bloody teeth. 

You laughed shakily, then abruptly found yourself crying.  His expression stepped up to medium panic.

"Uh, do you want me to go get Will?  He understands the whole... feelings thing... better than me," Bill stammered.  You could tell he was frantically trying to think of a way out of this uncomfortable situation.  You weren't a mind reader like he was, but his face was screaming "I have no idea how to deal with this!"

"No, let's just watch TV for a while," you said, getting your tears under control quickly.  "I'm just a little stressed, that's all.  Just hang out with me for a couple of hours, okay?"

"...Okay..." he said hesitantly, shuffling to the extreme edge of the couch and glancing at you uneasily.  You turned on the TV, then leaned against him.  He stiffened like he was about to launch himself off the couch and sprint away, but he didn't.

Neither of you moved for the longest while.  Eventually, he lifted one arm and put it around you awkwardly, keeping his eyes fixed on the TV.  You smiled slightly, snuggling against his tuxedo jacket.  It was surprisingly cozy.  You found yourself falling asleep before the first commercial.

The next morning, you woke up still on the couch.  Bill was gone, but there was a blanket over you.  You smiled fondly, then stood up to find that your pajamas were stained all over with dried tea.

I'm going to kill him.

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now