Chapter 6: Roommates

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You sat at your table, staring into your cereal, waiting for your brain to wake up.  Will was still unconscious on your couch, and so far no police had shown up to arrest you for murder. 

Your phone buzzed.  You stared at it like it was a rattlesnake, then hesitantly unlocked it.

Message from: Mom

How was your first day on your own?

You stared at the phone for a minute, then typed back.


You heard Will waking up in the living room.  Abandoning your cereal, you went to check on him.  He froze as you walked into the room, giving you a deer-in-the-headlights look.  His eye followed you as you sat on the coffee table, a respectful distance away from him.  Nobody said anything. 

I'm uncomfortable in social situations, you thought.  Does this count as a social situation?

The silence grew unbearable.  Finally you spoke up.

"So.... how are you feeling?"  He looked down.

"I'm okay, th-thanks."  Silence fell again.  You shuffled your feet and looked around.  His hand went to his eye patch.  "D-did you..."

"Fix you up?  Yes, I treated your injuries as well as I could.  I don't know if you can heal yourself or if you need me to take you to a hospital."  You frowned with concern.

"N-no, I can use my magic to fix myself.  Now that I'm free from my c-contract, I can use magic freely."  You weren't sure if that was such a good thing.  He seemed nice, but still... a demon.

"So... do you eat human food?" You asked.

"I can, but I don't really need to."  He wouldn't meet your eyes.

"Right!  I'll make some tea."  You stood abruptly, causing him to flinch.  You made a swift exit and busied yourself making tea.  Why am I so awkward?  This is half the reason I decided to move out and live alone.

When you walked back into the living room with a mug of tea, you stopped in surprise.  His form had changed.  He was still human-looking, but a few inches shorter and more youthful-looking.  His bandages and the injuries beneath had disappeared (but not the eyepatch), and he was now wearing a comfortable-looking sweater instead of the tuxedo.

"You look... different."

He immediately looked horrified.  "Do you not like it?  This is my preferred form, but I can change back!  P-please don't hate me!"

"Whoa, slow down!" You quickly crossed to the couch, putting the mug down and wrapping your arm around him.  "I do like it.  It suits you."

"R-really?"  He leaned his head against you.  "T-thanks."

You picked up the mug of tea.  "Here, this is for you."  He took it gingerly, looking at it like it might be poisoned.

"Go on, it won't bite."  You gestured with your free hand for him to drink.  He took a tiny sip and burst into tears.

"Oh no, what's wrong now?  Is it too hot?"  Why does he keep crying???

"N-no, it's just... Nobody has ever been so n-nice to me before..." He looked away, sniffling.

You didn't really have a response to that.  You sat in silence for a moment while he drank his tea.

"So..." Why do I keep starting every sentence with "so?" "What are you going to do now?"

He thought for a moment.  "I really don't know.  The Gleefuls made me stay in this world for so long, I've forgotten what my life used to be like.  I could go home to the Dreamscape, but..."

"But what?"

He wouldn't meet your eyes.  "But I'd rather stay here... w-with you."

You paused for a moment, surprised.  "Like... Roommates?" 

You considered the concept.  I really wanted to live alone... but can I really say no to those puppy eyes... eye? 

He waited nervously, apparently holding his breath, then dropped his gaze with a sigh.

"I-I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have said anything.  O-of course you don't want someone like me here, I'm n-nothing but a burden."

"No!" you cried, making him flinch.  "I mean yes!  Yes, you can stay here with me.  Forever, if you want to."  You smiled at him.  "Okay?"

He looked up, astonished.  "R-really?"

You brought your other arm up to hug him.  "Really."

He hugged you back, giving you the brightest smile you'd ever seen.  "Thank you, Y/N!  Thank you so much!"

You felt a little guilty when you thought of your potential impending legal trouble, not to mention your doubts about his demonic nature, but at that moment, seeing Will smile for the first time, you found it hard to care.

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now