Chapter 3: Will

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You couldn't see the box or the stage.  you couldn't see much of anything.  There was nothing to see but abstract black-and-white shapes with no landscape to speak of.  Where am I?

The hand on your elbow tightened.  You jerked away and whirled to face your potential assailant, crossbow coming up at the ready.

"Who are you?  Where am I?" You demanded.  Your kidnapper was... Cowering.  What?

"P-please don't shoot me!  I'm s-sorry!  I didn't mean to!" He whimpered.  You lowered your crossbow halfway, looking him over suspiciously.  He was a few inches taller than you, with unnatural blue hair and a patch over one eye.  He wore a blue tuxedo and bow tie that had once been fancy, but had apparently been run over by a tractor or something.  He held his hands in front of his face protectively.

"Who are you?" You snapped again.

"I-I'm Will Cipher.  I'm a dream demon."

"You're a what?

"I'm a d-demon.  The Gleefuls tricked me into making a deal with them, and now I'm basically... well... their slave.  They use my magic in their shows."

I can't believe it... magic is real after all... You couldn't let that distract you right now.  "I'm not going to ask again.  Where am I?"

"This is the Dreamscape.  I brought you here for the disappearing act.  I'm supposed to bring you back after a minute and-" he cut off, his face paling.  "Oh no!  I've lost count!"

"So?  What's wrong with that?"  You holstered your crossbow, deciding there was no immediate danger from this strange dream world and scared-looking demon.

"If their tricks don't go perfectly, it's always my fault!  I'm already on my l-last chance!  They're going to kill me this time, I know it!  I'm such a failure! I- I-" his voice broke as his eye filled with tears.  You found yourself stepping forward, hesitantly putting your hand on his shoulder.  He flinched back from the touch as if he was expecting a blow.

You found yourself at a loss for words.  "Um... there, there.  It's going to be okay, Will."

"No, it's not!" He gasped.  "You don't know what they're going to d-do to me!"

You tried again to grasp his shoulder.  He grimaced but didn't back away.  "It's probably been a minute by now, right?  Take me back and I'll try to find you after the show."

"You won't find me," he said miserably.  "The tent is magic.  The hidden basement-" he cut off, looking horrified.  As if he'd said something he shouldn't have.

"What hidden basement?" You said sharply.

"It's time to go back now!" He put his hand on your back and shoved you forwards.  You found yourself pitching out of the Dreamscape and stumbling out of the box back onto the stage in the real world.  Dipper looked at you with a mixture of shock and anger.

"Well, there we have it!" he announced to the crowd, recovering his composure in the blink of an eye.  "Like I said, we've never lost anyone before- and we still haven't!"

You felt a bit overwhelmed, but you didn't want to make things worse for Will, so you gave the audience a cheerful grin.  "I loved that box so much, I just wanted to stay in there forever- and I almost did!"  The audience laughed.

"All right, everyone!" Mabel cut across you.  "That's it for our show!  Take a bow, Y/N!"

You took a bow and scurried off the stage, leaving the Gleefuls to bid good night to the crowd and invite them to the gift shop.  You stayed close to the stairs, though, and caught Dipper on his way off the stage.

"Dipper, about me being late-"

"I know what you're going to say," he snapped, his cheesy stage grin dropping into a glower.

"But it was my fault!  I distracted him!" You protested.

"That's no excuse," he snarled.  "It's not your concern, Y/N." He turned away from you.  "Go home, Y/N.  Hope you enjoyed the show."  He walked away without another word, ignoring your further protest.  You glared at his retreating back, unwilling to let this go.  Will's terrified face was burned into your eyes.  You didn't know what was about to happen to him, but you promised yourself you'd put a stop to it. 

You glanced around to make sure no one was watching, then slipped deeper into the tent, into the shadows, and waited for the crowd to clear so you could search for this so-called "secret basement."

Your grip tightened on your crossbow.

I'm coming, Will.

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now