Chapter 15: Jealousy

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"Bill?" Your voice cracked.  You cleared your throat and tried again.  "Bill?"

You walked through your apartment, flicking on lights and checking closets.  What game is he playing?  He never leaves the house.  You huffed in frustration when you got to the kitchen to find it still burned and flooded.  Thought I asked him to clean this up.  Where's he gone?

You stood in the living room, hands on your hips.  "Bill Cipher!" you announced.  "Where are you?"

"You called?" came a voice from behind you.

You turned to find him standing uncomfortably close, leaning into your personal space until you had no choice but to take a step back.  He followed you step for step until you were backed up against the wall, still face-to-face with the demon.

"Bill?  What exactly is happening here?" you asked, frowning at him.  His smile was sinister.

"I believe I've made it clear before, Y/N, but you're my human.  And recent events have made me realize that I don't like sharing you, even with my annoying excuse for a brother.  So it's time for an ultimatum."  He put his hand on the wall, blocking your escape as you tried to slide away.

"You belong to me, Y/N.  No one else," he snarled.  He closed the gap between you and kissed you before you had a chance to react.  You tried to push him away, but he caught your wrist.  His grip was unbreakable.

Ack!  He's inhumanly strong!  I can't beat him in a fight!  I could order him to leave again, but that didn't work out well last time.  Maybe I can reason with him.  You stared down his angry red eye, trying to think of the words that would get through to him.

"Arguing won't help you here," he warned, reading your mind.  "We have a deal.  Your fate is sealed."  You ignored him, staring deeper into his eye.

Why is he doing this?  It's so different from how he was acting when he first came here.  You thought back on everything he'd done, trying to puzzle out his motivations.  He worked for Dipper and Mabel, and they weren't the most caring of individuals.  They didn't torture him like they did Will, but they probably weren't very kind to him either.

Bill leaned away from you, seeming annoyed at your lack of response.  He dropped your arm, but you didn't move away.  You were preoccupied trying to understand the insane demon, who had never before been understood.  Maybe he wasn't able to be understood, but you were still going to try.

Not just Dipper and Mabel... In all his infinite existence, has anyone ever treated him with kindness?  No wonder he's become fixated on me...  No one's ever been nice to him before.  In a way, he's just like Will.

Bill jerked backwards as though you had slapped him.  "Stop thinking that!  I'm NOTHING like that crybaby!"

You looked at him as though you were really seeing him for the first time.  He's not angry, really.  He's not even insane.  He's just... lonely.

"Stop thinking that!" he shrieked.  "Stop it!  You're supposed to fear me!  Not pity me!  Don't you DARE pity me!  I AM AN ALL-POWERFUL DEMON!"

You stepped forwards, arms half-raised, ready to comfort him if he would let you.  He tore away from you, letting loose a blast of magic that slammed you against the wall.  You fell to the ground with a grunt.  When your vision cleared, Bill was gone.

You noticed Will hiding in the doorway.  "Are you okay?" you asked him.  He shrunk back.

You got to your feet slowly, checking yourself for bruises before making your way over to Will.  He was huddled in the hallway, hiding his face.  You crouched in front of him, but he leaned away.

"Will, what's the matter?" you asked, trying to make him show his face.

He looked up at you, crying.  "I-i-it's all my fault!" he wailed.

"What are you talking about?  What's your fault?"  You tried to comfort him, but he wasn't letting you.  He was too far into whatever mental breakdown Bill's actions had triggered.

"I-i-if you h-hadn't rescued me, th-then Bill wouldn't h-have followed me here and n-now he h-hurt you and it's all my f-fault!" he gasped.

"Will, don't blame yourself!  I can deal with Bill, and I don't resent you for any of this!"

"Well, you sh-should!  The G-gleefuls were right!  I'm n-nothing but a useless waste of s-space and I d-don't deserve to ever be l-loved!"

"Will, please!  That's not true!" you tried to hug him but he pulled away, scrambling backwards out of reach.

"I d-don't even deserve to be here!" he cried, curling back into a ball on the floor.  "I c-could just f-fade away and no one would care... N-no one would even n-notice..."

"WILL!" you reached for him, but he vanished out from under your hand.  You were left alone in the hallway.

You sat back, shocked, then numbly climbed to your feet and collapsed on the sofa.  You stared into space for a few minutes.

"What do I do now?" you muttered to yourself. 

There was no answer from the empty apartment.

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now