One-Shot: The List

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You were bored one day, so you decided to follow Will around and make a list of all the things that frightened or startled him in a 24-hour period.  (The first of several fluffy bits; I might expand on this later.)


The List

by Y/N

1. I opened the bathroom door after my shower and (nearly) hit him.

2. He put his coffee mug down too loudly.

3. Bill jumped out from the closet, nearly giving poor Will a heart attack.  I tried to scold him for breaking the rules, but I was laughing too hard.

4. He noticed me following him around, writing things down.

5. We went to the park and he saw a squirrel.

6. A car honked its horn... two streets away.

7. The elevator *ding.*

8. He's getting more and more nervous that I'm watching and documenting his every move.

9. The sound of a closing door (he closed it himself).

10.  He remembered seeing the squirrel.  That was several hours ago, but apparently squirrels are terrifying.

11. Bill upped his game and put on a Halloween mask.  Why did I have that lying around?  It's the middle of March.

12. I stepped out to do some laundry without telling him.  He assumed I had died in the ten minutes I was gone.

13.  The TV showed an old commercial for the Tent of Telepathy.  It took me half an hour to coax him out from under his bed.

14.  He's becoming very concerned that I'm still stalking him and recording his actions.

(Scribbles and ripped paper where he tried to get the list away from you.  The list continues on another page)

15. Apparently I can beat him in a fight.

16. I had to blow the whistle on Bill after he set a bear trap outside Will's door.  He's in time-out now.

17. I burned dinner and he thought the house was on fire again.  Pizza night!

18. The Jenga tower collapsed very suddenly on his turn.

19. He refused to turn the lights off at bedtime, insisting that the squirrel was going to come in and eat his brain.  I suspect Bill had a hand in this.

20. He had a nightmare about squirrels.


"Stop laughing."

"I'm trying, I swear."

"It's n-not funny, Y/N."

"You're adorable."

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