Chapter 19: The Calm Before the Storm

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You lounged on the couch, flipping channels aimlessly.  Your legs were across Will's lap.  You tried to keep your attention on the TV, but your eyes kept wandering back to Will's face.  He was staring staunchly ahead, avoiding your gaze.  You had caught him reading that old book again and he had refused to say a word when you confronted him directly.

Bill wandered into the room, his sleeve rolled up and the tattoo exposed.  "Okay, I give up.  What exactly is this weird thing supposed to be?  Some sort of... rainbow pop-tart cat?  What does that even mean?"

You cracked up.  "It's called nyan cat."  You pulled up a reference image on your phone to show him.  "It's a bit of an outdated meme, but I think that makes it more funny."

"What does it even mean?  Is it a satanic symbol or magic emblem of some kind?" he asked hopefully.

"Well, it's a viral meme, but otherwise... Nope.  Just a rainbow pop-tart cat."  You and Will were both laughing now.  Bill covered his free eye with his hand.

"I hate you both."

"Love you too," you called at his retreating back.  He paused, half looking back at you, then left the room.  Will glanced at you, meeting your eyes for the first time in hours.

"Love you too," you said again, leaning over and pecking him on the cheek.  Instead of smiling like you'd expected, he looked down.  What was that expression?  Guilt?  You sat back, dissatisfied, and went back to channel surfing.

What is he hiding from me?  What secrets are they both keeping?

Something occurred to you.  "I wonder if the tattoo will appear in the Dreamscape.  Will it show up on his triangle form?"

Will looked up again, snickering.  "I hope so."

"I heard that!" Bill yelled from the other room.  You both chuckled, and the moment of awkwardness was over.

You spent the day in companionable silence.  Bill came in again and you all watched Ghost Harassers together, mocking the inaccuracies to real-life supernatural beings.  You ended up with your head on Bill's shoulder, your legs still across Will's lap.

You were so comfortable you could have fallen asleep, until your phone rang.  You pulled it out of your pocket and sighed heavily.

Call from: Dad

"Wonder what he wants," you muttered, standing up.  "He's not one to call just for small talk."

"I-is everything okay?" Will asked, looking at you with mild concern.  You frowned at your phone, which was still ringing.

"Probably, but you never know with him.  I never can tell what he's thinking.  Sort of like you two lately," you smiled faintly, trying to make light of the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"What do you mean by that?" Bill asked suspiciously.

"I don't know what that weird book is Will's reading, or who Bill's talking to late at night, but I'm sure you both have good reasons.  I'm going to take this outside," you said distractedly, answering your phone and stepping out the door.  You saw Bill and Will look at each other sharply, but your dad was already on the line and you were too preoccupied to think much about it.  You walked down the hall, pacing near the elevator as you talked.

Your dad wanted you to make arrangements to come home for Christmas in a month.  He didn't ask how you'd been, or if you'd made any friends (or had two demon roommates), but he felt he was doing his fatherly duty by having you come home for the holidays.

Great.  Awkward dinner parties in fancy clothes and stilted conversation, you thought to yourself as you mechanically talked through the details with your father.  As soon as you'd agreed on the plans, you both hung up without a goodbye.  You leaned against the wall for a moment, taking a deep breath.  Talking to him is draining for some reason.  I wonder how I'll break the news to the boys.  Well, I've been living with them for nearly a year and only took one vacation.  They'll live.

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