Chapter 4: The Gleefuls' Secret Basement

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All was silent.  The tent had cleared of the last stragglers hoping to meet the Gleefuls, who had vanished into the impossibly cavernous depths.  You slipped out of your hiding place in the shadows, crossbow in hand.

Now, if I were a secret basement, where would I hide?  Underground, of course.  Nice job, self.  Thank you, self.  You paused from your self-congratulatory back-patting when you hit an intersection.  How huge is this magic tent anyway? 

You'd long ago left behind the stage area, finding yourself in a stone-floored canvas labyrinth.  You tried once to lift the tent away from the floor as a shortcut, but the cloth walls seemed to be sealed to the ground.  You couldn't cut through the fabric either, which was somehow unyielding as stone.  You were left wandering, having long ago lost your bearings.  You wouldn't have been able to backtrack if you tried, but you had no intention of leaving without Will.

You picked a fork at random and wandered down the left path.  The lighting was dim, but you  kept your eyes to the stone floor, searching for a way underground.  Eventually the path opened into a dark storage room filled with boxes and... racks of weapons.  You tried not to think about that as you spotted a suspicious drag mark in the dusty floor.  You pushed a box aside to see an iron trapdoor.  Bingo.

You holstered your crossbow, yanking the trapdoor open with all your strength.  It squealed loudly as it opened and you froze, waiting to get caught.  After a few seconds of tense silence, you let the door open the rest of the way and slipped down the ladder.  The murky air clung to your skin as you made your way underground, making you shiver.

You heard voices as soon as your feet touched the ground.  It was so dark down here that you couldn't see your hand in front of you, but there was a light at the end of the corridor.  You edged forwards, careful not to trip, as the voices became clearer.  The one talking was Mabel.

"-disappointed us for the last time, Cipher!  I don't know why we kept you around this long, but not anymore!"

You got closer and heard Will's voice, pleading for his life.  You rounded a corner and stopped short, shocked at what you saw.

Dipper and Mabel Gleeful were standing in the middle of a vast chamber.  Decrepit-looking scientific equipment lined the walls.  At the far end of the room, a giant triangular portal-looking machine was whirring ominously.

You almost didn't see Will at first.  He was kneeling between Dipper and Mabel, his arms covering his head.  Even from across the room, you could tell he was trembling in fear.

There was another person in the room you didn't notice until he moved.  He looked just like Will except he was blond, wearing a yellow suit.  He glanced at Will and away with a bored expression as he fiddled with some dials on the lab equipment, making the machine's humming change pitch.  Dipper frowned at the portal.

"Careful with those settings, Bill.  If they're not precise, the portal will suck us in instead of Will, or it'll take you with him," he snapped.

"Cool it, Pine Tree, I know what I'm doing," Bill snapped back.  His voice had an obnoxious quality that really grated on your nerves.

"I never understood that nickname," Dipper muttered, turning back to Will.  Taking advantage of the moment of distraction, Will had tried to scramble away.  Mabel lunged for him, grabbing him by his hair and throwing him back to his knees.

"Where do you think you're going, Will?" she asked in a creepy voice.  "We're not- GACK!" She cut off as an arrow whistled past her head.  You stepped out of the shadows, crossbow aiming at Mabel.

"Don't touch him!" You shouted, trying not to let your voice shake.  "The next one's going between your eyes!"

Mabel, Dipper, and Bill all rounded on you.  "Wha- Y/N?" Dipper cried, astonished.  Then his face hardened.  "I told you this was none of your concern.  Get out before we make you leave and forget everything you saw here."  His amulet started to glow, and you felt your body seize up, but not before letting off another shot.  Dipper shouted with rage as the arrow glanced off his arm, leaving a bloody stripe, and his amulet faded.  Regaining control of your body, you turned the crossbow onto Bill.

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now