Author's Note: Thank You!

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There you have it: My first-ever story I've been brave enough to publish online! 

Thank you all so much for reading!  I can't believe it's had 1200 views already!!! Thanks again especially to RealityInsanity and Sakurano_Toon, you guys are the greatest. :D

As you might be able to tell from the cliffhanger ending, the sequel is pretty awesome.  WHICH IS ALREADY COMPLETED, THANKS.  STOP ASKING WHEN I'M GOING TO WRITE IT BECAUSE IT'S RIGHT THERE ALREADY DONE.  While I was writing this story, I challenged myself to publish a chapter every day, but considering how late I'd stay up every night to do so, I doubt that will be a realistic goal for the sequel.  Still, I expect to get through it pretty quickly.

(Edit: the sequel has been written and finished!  It's called UnWanted Reunion, and there's a third book after that one!  Check them out!

Double edit, since it's been entirely too long since I've updated this book with any news:  I've published books 2 and 3 of this series, and am planning book 4; I've got two fairy-tale parody books, and an interactive choose-your-own-adventure that EVERYONE SHOULD GET ON BOARD WITH BECAUSE IT'S SUPER FUN!!! <3)

I was originally planning three separate happy endings (in the style of Gravity Falls High School X Reader), but it didn't turn out that way because I decided to make a sad ending instead.  Because I'm really mean.  If anyone has any more adorable-roommate-fluff story ideas, I'll go back and tack on some one-shots to this story.

Please tell me what you thought of it!  I'd love some feedback and suggestions for where to go with this!

Thanks again everyone, and I'll see you in the sequel!


UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now