Chapter 9: Nightmare Battle

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Somewhere, a faucet dripped.

More silence.

You sat in a chair in your kitchen, nervously chewing your fingernails.  Will was huddled on the couch, rocking back and forth.  You'd been waiting, tense, for most of the day, but nothing had happened yet.

"Bill didn't specify a time frame," you finally spoke up.  Will twitched and looked at you.  "Maybe he meant Dipper was going to attack us, like, a year from now?" you asked hopefully.


Silence fell again.  You glanced at the clock for the umpteenth time.  It seemed to be slowing down.

You abruptly stood up.  "I can't take this anymore!"  Will squeaked in surprise, nearly falling off the couch.

"W-what?!" he demanded.

"I don't care what kind of threats are thrown at me, I am NOT going to let Dipper and his pet Dorito stop me from living my life!"  You crossed to the door and threw it open.

Someone was standing in the doorway.  You shrieked so loudly that you nearly wet yourself and scrambled backwards, tripping over the coffee table and ending up sprawled on the floor.

"Gaah!" yelled the stranger, fist raised to knock, jumping back in equal surprise.  Looking closer, you relaxed, embarrassed.

"Oh, it's just you, Zwei.  I thought you were someone else."  You stood up slowly, giving Will a reassuring pat on the head.

"Who were you expecting, the Mafia?!" Zwei asked indignantly.

"...Something like that.  Anyway, what's up?"  You gave a strained smile, trying to paper over the awkwardness.

"Um." He looked at you skeptically.  "My brothers and I are trying to bake a cake, but we don't have any sugar."

"Sure, no problem!"  You scampered to the kitchen and pulled out an entire bag of sugar, thrusting it into his arms and propelling him backwards out the door.  "Keep the change.  Enjoy your cake!"

He tried to say something else, but you closed the door in his face.  You were about to sit back down when you heard a knock and turned back to open the door again.

"Zwei, what is it-"

It wasn't Zwei.

It was Dipper.

You slammed the door in his face and lunged away, just in time to avoid the door as it was blasted off its hinges and across the room.  Dipper stalked into your apartment, followed by Bill, as you pulled Will into the kitchen with you.  You grabbed a knife from your counter and pointed it at him.

"You can't beat me in a fight, Dipper," you warned.  "I have years of-" you cut off as the knife was jerked out of your hand and embedded in the wall by Dipper's magic.

"What makes you think I have any intention of fighting you?" he growled.  He seemed a little worse for wear, breathing hard and limping slightly.  "I want to put you through what I had to endure on the other side of that portal.  Bill!"

Before you could react, Bill snapped his fingers and your kitchen disappeared.

You found yourself in the Dreamscape.  You'd only been there once before, briefly, but there was no mistaking the lifeless black-and-white scenery.  Dipper stood across from you, no longer seeming so worn-out.  Bill floated next to him in his triangle form, still connected to Dipper by the chain.  You glanced to your side to see a Cool Ranch Dorito that you took to be Will, hovering next to you with a determined expression in his single eye.

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now