Chapter 12: Tension

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Violence and stress had stalked your footsteps since the first day you'd arrived in town, but things had begun to settle into an equilibrium.  Bill and Will had reached an uneasy truce, and Bill's antics had more or less stopped.  Will seemed to have forgiven you for yelling at him.

The three of you were settling onto the couch one evening to watch the Black-and-White-Period-Piece-Old-Lady-Boring-Movie-Channel again.  Surprisingly, it was Bill's pick, but you weren't complaining. It's just like my life... in a way!

You and Will were already on the couch.  Bill was in the kitchen making popcorn.  He came in holding two bowls.  He gave one to you and Will and kept the other for himself, sprawling on the couch next to you.

"Hey! Popcorn hog!" you said, grabbing for the other bowl. 

He held it out of your reach.  "That one's yours.  I don't like sharing what's mine."

You scoffed.  "Whatever, popcorn hog."  You didn't mind too much.  You knew Will wouldn't eat much anyway, and you'd probably fall asleep halfway through.

"Like you always do," Bill muttered.

"Hey!  What have I told you about reading my mind?" you smacked him halfheartedly, then gave up and turned on the TV.

You watched the movie sandwiched between the two demons, all sitting in companionable silence.  Sure enough, you fell asleep just as it was getting to the good part.

The next morning, you woke up still on the couch.  Bill and Will were fast asleep on either side of you.  You carefully climbed out from between them, careful not to wake them up.

They're kind of adorable when they're asleep, you thought as you surveyed your demon roommates.  I could wake them up, but I'd rather just leave them like this.

You decided to go out for breakfast, since you'd been in town for weeks now but hadn't made any human friends.  You gussied up slightly, left a note on the coffee table, and headed to Greasy's Diner.

You sat at the counter, eating your pancakes and watching the other customers.  It was lively for this time of the morning, but you weren't surprised as soon as you tasted these amazing pancakes.  I would kill for one of these pancakes.  Actually, I have!  You were simultaneously amused and disgusted with your own dark sense of humor.

Someone sat next to you at the counter.  His black hoodie looked familiar.

"Robbie... right?" you asked.

"Yeah, and you're Y/N Northwest, aren't you? I know you moved here recently, but I haven't seen you around."  He seemed curious and politely interested.  You found yourself flattered by the attention.

"Yeah, I haven't really been out much or made any friends," you said with a grimace.

"Let's fix that!" he said excitedly.  "All the teens in town are having a rave at a junkyard tonight.  It's going to be radical!  You should come!"  His enthusiasm was contagious.  You found yourself nodding.

"You know what, why not.  Give me the address," you said, passing him a napkin and pen.  He wrote it down, and paused, looking at you.

"While I'm at it, can I have your number?"

You hesitated, then decided to throw caution to the wind.  "Sure, why not?" You smiled and exchanged numbers.

You chatted for a few more minutes, then paid for your breakfast and went back home.  You'd barely said a quick hello to Bill and Will when your phone buzzed.

Message from: Robbie Valentino

Remember me? ;)

You smiled at your phone, typing a reply, only to find Bill suddenly invading your personal space.

"Who's that?" he asked with obviously fake casualness.

You sidled around him.  "Just some guy."

He put his hand against the wall, blocking your exit.  "Just some guy?  You're forgetting I can read your mind."

You pushed past him, annoyed.  "And you're forgetting you're not supposed to do that.  My brain is private, thanks."

He yanked the phone out of your hand.  You snatched for it.  "What is your deal, Bill?"

"My deal is the deal we made!" he snapped.  "Did you forget?  I don't like sharing what's mine!"

"I'm not your possession, Bill!  I don't belong to you!" you yelled.

"Yes you do!  You're my human!" he yelled back.  You were both in each others' faces, shouting at the top of your lungs.  Will, afraid of confrontation, had scurried to his room in panic.  You both kept yelling, talking over each other angrily, until you'd finally had it.


He broke off his tirade, looking hurt.  "What?"

"Leave.  Out of my house.  Now.  We have a deal, and you must abide by my rules."  You pointed down the hall.  "Get out."

He suddenly looked scared.  "Like... Forever?"

Despite how angry you were, you couldn't help feeling a little bit sorry for him.  "Until I say so."

He slunk out the door, not meeting your eyes, teleporting away once he was in the hallway.  After he was gone, it was suddenly too quiet.  You picked your phone up off the floor, only to find it broken.  You huffed in frustration and ran to your room, wanting to slam the door but knowing it would scare Will, and buried your afternoon in a quiet book.  Before you knew it, it was time to leave for the party.

You headed out the door, shouting a goodbye to Will from down the hall.  I've had enough of these demons for now.  It's time to make some human friends.

You turned down one street and then another, soon finding yourself hopelessly lost.  Wishing you had your broken phone, you stopped an old man coming your way down the street.

"Excuse me, but you wouldn't happen to know the way to-" you cut off with a gasp, realizing your mistake.  The old man was the same one from the Gleeful's magic show!  Without the fez, you didn't recognize him in time.  You turned to run, only to find yourself face-to-face with another old man who looked exactly like the first one, wearing a trench coat and some kind of electric glove.  He grabbed your arm with the glove, and you felt a shock like you had been Tasered.  Your legs turned to jelly and you collapsed into the first man's arms.

"We've been looking all over for you, missy," you heard him say as your vision faded to black.

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now