Hard To Get - Intro

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So yeah, this is me Lea Marie a 20 year old Puerto Rican that just graduated from college. With big dreams in my mind wondering if I’m going to be able to make them come true. One of theme was to move to Orlando, get a job as a Chef, safe money, and then get my ass to Los Angeles, California.  I don’t know why but I’ve always had this vision of me living there, the sun, the people, food, Celebrities, yeah celebrities. I‘ve always had a crush on California and now it’s time to make dreams come true ….

Lea Marie POV

‘‘Mom , DAD , hurry up , I’m gonna lose my flight’’ I said to my parents almost screaming at them, like they take so much time when you’re on a hurry DAMN IT I hated that so much, is like there doing it on purpose.  Let me think THEY ARE DOING IT ON PURPOSE. ‘’Take it easy you’re flight doesn’t take off in 3 more hours so calm your ass a little’’ Mom said picking up her jacket and keys. ‘FINALLY’ I said heading to the car.

‘‘Ready to leave your mommy and Daddy?’’ My mom said with a puppy face ‘’It’s hard Ma but it’s for my future you know’ I said with a lump in my throat , I’ve always been mommy’s little girl , I’ve never let her sight we’ve been close ,very close, she’s my best friend  but NOW I’m a grown girl need to take care and do things by myself. 

The ride to airport was dead quite , I said to myself it felt fucking weird I know their sad but come on , their get over it , I hope ‘’ OH GREAT THE AIRPORT PEOPLE’’ I scream making my parents jump . As we made our way in to the airport and the logged gets checked, My mom and I are waiting my dad makes he’s way to use and pulls up my Ticket and I clearly see LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA , ‘’calm down , breath’ I said to myself ,  he gives it to me, at this point I’m panicking , and then he puts his hands on his pockets and takes out a check with a LOT OF numbers BIG number’s OH MY fucking God what the fuck is happening.! ‘’ Well baby since your dream is to go to California and your grades were ON TOP and Magnificent , I talk to your mom and we though HEY let’s get the girl a graduation present and well , here ya go’’ my dad said. Handing me the checked and keys WHAT THE FUCK KEYS WAIT WHAT,I literally started jumping like a little kid when he gets the toy that he wanted. ‘Oh and another thing this is the keys of your new home’ my Dad said  ‘OH MY GOD YOU GUYS THANK YOU SO SO MUCH I WONT LET Y’ALL DOWN I PROMISE’ I said to my parents hugging theme, crying, well making a total fool of myself but I didn’t care. I waved theme good bye and made my way in to the airplane. 


‘’Well IM GOING TO CALIFORNIA MOTHERFUCKERS’ I said screaming at the restroom I haven’t even made my way to my seat, I didn’t know where I was supposed to sit BUT WHATEVER , I’ll checked when I’m done screaming my ass off , at this point I was overwhelmed and I didn’t actually cared of what people might say, come on I’m happy give me some space. As I’m in the restroom dancing my soul out in the small room , I heard knocking on the door , ‘’ I’m using it , I’ll be out in a minute’’ I said to the person that was knocking the door. ‘’well I’m in a hurry could you please HURRY UP and stop screaming like a mad person’’ The male stranger said ‘’ WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ,’’ I said shouting to the stranger ‘’ ‘’JUST GET OUT I’M IN A FUCKING HURRY  SOO GET OUT’’ at this point I dind't know who was that jerk knocking but I was about to kick the fuck out of him ....

 Bruno’s POV 

I’m currently on Tour, and actually in Puerto Rico, yeah, if you know me well this is my other home, such a nice and humble place, and beautiful women to be honest. Any who As my show is over I got to take the next  flight back to Los Angeles to check my home, see if G is doing okay, I missed that big ass Dog , just chill and get some rest and get ready for my Europe tour. It ain’t easy but This is what I was made for , to get people moving and show them that good music and talent still lives. As im talking to myself , Phil and Ryan slap my tights, ‘' WHAT THE FUCK!!’ That hurt y’all know how sensitive I am!'' I said to theme massaging my read tight.

‘’Oh Bruno stop being a Drama QUEEN man up you pussay ‘’ Phil said

‘’ Aww is the baby gonna cry bu-bu-bu ‘’ Ryan said making the stupidest face ever 

‘’ .l. ‘’ I gaved them the finger ‘’ FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOU TOO ‘’ I said to them, and they start making fun of my face expressions.

‘’ NAHHH sorry, Bruno just making time go fast ‘’ Phil said while getting in the airplane. We made it to our seats, Phil, Ryan and the rest of the Hooligans get to sit together, ''WHAT THE FUCK Am I supposed to sit here alone?'' ‘I said over reacting a little ‘’Bruno, is not a big deal, shut up and sit yo ass down’’ Eric said. ‘’ YEAH YEAH ‘’ I reply.  The Airplane hasn’t take off yet , so imma go and pee, I’ve been holding it in for 1 hour and  I’m about to explode, I get up and made my way to the restroom , and suddenly I heard a Female voice screaming ‘’Well IM GOING TO CALIFORNIA MOTHERFUCKERS’’ well nice words for a girl , I thought to myself , she seems happy for California , whatever , I’m about to explode here and she’s doing nothing but screaming fuck NO, I’ll knock, *KNOCKS*  the female responds , ‘’ I’m using it , I’ll be out in a minute’’  I NEED TO PEE DAMN IT’’ I said thru my teeth.  ’’Well I’m in a hurry could you please HURRY UP and stop screaming like a mad person’’ I didn’t mean to sound rude BUT FUCK the tip of my dick hurts I NEED TOO PEE! ‘’ WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE,’’ the girl says with this stubborn attitude, ‘’ JAAA imma let her get the surprise of who the fuck I think I am ‘’ I said to myself, God I need to stop doing this them stupid jokes.  I heard the door getting unlocked , the girl comes out , I stand there with my charm, raising my eyebrows well doing the shit that drive the ladies crazy . The girl makes direct eye contact with me. ‘’ OH my God” the girl said with a straight face, I was just standing there waiting for her apology, like she owns it she was the rude one at first....

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