Chapter Three

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Vegeta blushes to his ears and throws the gift Bulma gives to him, she laughs and holds her stomach, he hated when she made those kinds of pranks, ever since they became roommates, he was prepared for anything, but then this, gift! It was impossible to let it pass!

"Bulma! Is this some kind of sick joke?!"

The aqua haired woman laughs and shakes her head, her breasts bouncing with each giggle, her slender finger wipes away her tear, still between chuckles making Vegeta frown.

"Vegeta it's not a joke!"

"Aye...Bulma!" He whines

"Oh come on everyone does it!" She puts the gift in his small bag along with some condoms

"Hey! What are you...?! Bulma!" He squeaks and blushes madly.

"Oh hush! You never know!" She gives him a mischievous smile "hurry up you'll be late for work"

Vegeta sighs and nods, what did he ever do to deserve such a perverted roommate? Listening to her having sex wasn't so bad but having her induce him into doing such...lewd acts, dear Jesus.

He blushes when he sees Bulma's Boyfriend step out of the elevator, he quickly walks in and presses a button for the bottom floor, once on in the busy office he sits down and looks at his desk and all the files sprawled around.

What kind of relationship did he have with Kakarot? He barely saw him, did he miss him? Did he ever think of him? Maybe? Maybe not? He jumps when a hand lands on his shoulder, his co-worker smiles kindly. Vegeta goes to his boss's office getting his assignment for his next interview, not remembering his little gift.

He couldn't believe it, Kakarot was truly going to embarrass him, why did he ever accept his call? He blinked in did Mr. Son get his number? But now he had to focus on his situation, he was on his knees, cinnamon legs at each side, with his ass touching the cold floor of Kakarot's apartment, he tugged on his black shirt and cleared his throat.

"K-Kakarot? What am I going to do this time?"

"I found something very interesting in your bag Mr. Ouji, I'm shocked that someone as shy as you can have these kinds of things."

"It isn't mine! M-my roommate gave it to me!" He blushes

Kakarot hums as he reaches in the bag again and pulls out a dildo, he stands and puts in front of Vegeta's face, Vegeta quickly understands and hesitates but opens his mouth and starts to suck shyly before the toy is pulled out his mouth and put in front of him.

"Show me how good you are."

Kakarot sits back down on his couch and picks up his glass of wine, his cold eyes look over at a nervous boy, he smirks and strokes his bottom lip, his hand goes through his bright blue hair, leg over the other. Vegeta takes a deep breath and lifts his hips, his ass above the dildo, he winces when he starts to slide down on it, a whine leaves his throat followed by a moan.

The bittersweet flavored liquid goes down Kakarot's throat as his eyes watch the show, the dildo disappears and reappears when Vegeta moves up and down, he puts his hands on the floor and grinds.

"A-ah! Ah! Mmm...oh God!" Vegeta starts bouncing and pumping his cock quickly, he looks over at Kakarot who watches him calmly while drinking his wine, the expression on his face excited him even more, the dark side of him, the cold look in his eyes, his sinister tongue.

"Turn around, I want to see it better."

Vegeta stands and turns his back to him and falls on his knees, he wiggles his hips making Kakarot's expression change for short seconds, slowly he sits back down on the wet, sticky dildo, clinching around it and grinding his hips.

"Mmn, ah, ah, ha, agh"

Vegeta's ass slaps against the marble floor, Kakarot feels his front tighten up, he stands watching Vegeta ride the toy faster and cum on the shiny floor, he cups the young man's chin and makes him look up. Vegeta looks at this well dressed man, aching for more of his touch, wanting him to take him.

Kakarot tilts his glass forward making Vegeta drink down the rest of the wine.

"You impress me Vegeta, truly impress me."

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