Chapter Twenty Five

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Warmth, clean and safety, Vegeta slowly opened his eyes, relieved to be wrapped up in the covers of a soft bed, his head sunk in the pillow, his eye peeking at the window, the rays of sun kissing his pale face, where was he again? Ah, yes, he remembered now, he was, once again, in the care of Mr. Son, he couldn't move and he didn't have any intention of doing it any time soon, his bed was so comfortable, he was like a little worm in a cocoon waiting for metamorphosis to do it's art.

In the distance a ding made him roll over facing the wooden door that opened to reveal a half naked Kakarot Son, Vegeta's pale cheeks warmed up and turned into a light pink color. Bronzed, smooth looking, flawless skin, pierced, erect nubs, wide shoulders, hard biceps that moved under, what looked to be, a thin layer of skin.

Vegeta tried to fight against his sinful lust when a single droplet of sweat, slowly surfed from the crook of Mr. Son's neck, down between his pecs, going freely over every bump, down a bit more to lick his steal abs, traveling to his navel and finally sinking into the fabric that hugged the waist who many had the privilege of wrapping their legs around it, wanting and desiring for him to sink in deeper into their insides making them hurt and scream their heads off begging for mercy but enjoying every second of it.

"Mr. Ouji, good morning."

"G-good morning, Kakarot." Vegeta couldn't hide the grin at the kind greeting.

"Did you sleep well? I took the privilege of cleaning and curing your wounds, I hope you don't mind."

"N-no, of course not, after did save me."

Kakarot gives him a gentle smirk, a smirk different from the rest, a trustful, kind hearted smirk, wiping the sweat off his forehead with his shirt he sits on the edge of the bed where Vegeta rests and faces the wall, deep in thought.

"I will call your friends and family and let them know you are safe and in my care, I'll ask 16 to drive them hear while I sleep and you enjoy yourself more comfortably."

"Wait...sleep? Didn't you sleep?" Ah, he sat up to hard making vertigo hit him.

"No, I couldn't, not after that intense fever you had, I may be an asshole but I most defiantly not a heartless brute, I just had a short rest." Kakarot slowly lays him back down and puts a wet cloth over his forehead.


"Yes?" Kakarot hums lightly.

"Where exactly...did you rest?"

"Where?" His chuckle sent shivers down his spine "the place where I belong...on my bed on the other side where you are resting."

"What are your intentions with me?"

Slowly, Kakarot leans over, that unforgettable mint scented breath penetrated Vegeta's nostrils, he felt so small being under the huge aura of Mr. Son, what should he do next? What if he is going to hurt him too?! Panicking, Vegeta's breath got ragged and heavy.

"I want to see the old Vegeta back, happy, out going, young and free."


"I also want to fuck you until you faint."

Throb. Getting a bit closer, Vegeta closed his eyes waiting for those lips to take over his, wanting to be covered in licorice flavored sex, wanting Kakarot's tongue to lick off his sweaty body with a mixture of hot chocolate, the lips hit his forehead, feeling a little relieved but disappointed mostly.

"Mr. Son?"

"From now belong to me and I will never give you to another man or woman."

"Kakarot." A hot blush covers his cheeks and flushes up his ears


"Do you...have feelings for me?"

"I care for you a're like my little brother."

And we go back to square one.

POING. You must hate Goku a lot by now :3

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