Chapter Five

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Dear...uh, journal, I'm tired of Kakarot toying with me...I think today I will do something that will make him rethink about me just being an every day adventure...I'll show him. I'll show him and he will never forget what I will do to him.

He didn't care anymore, he's had enough of this he was going to make it more interesting, he looked at his clock it was past midnight the perfect time when Kakarot plays with his toys.

Wolf whistles followed him down the streets and it just made him sway his hips rougher as he walked, dressed in a cropped up shirt, ripped jeans showing off his ass cheeks, black boots hitting hard against the pavement, no bitch could smoke in his aura, no fucker could break him down. Not tonight! Tonight he was going to be a bitch to remember, the one thing you can't live without, he's now the guy you've been waiting for, he'll have you down on your knees, he'll have you begging for more now, he was going to make you cry...he was going to be your wet dream, he was the sinner, he was the whore, being nice didn't get him anywhere, so he was going to make you love him for everything you will hate him for.

A limo slowly follows the strutting boy, a sinister smile draws itself on a dark man's face, Vegeta turns a corner and the limo drives off in a different direction.

Kakarot puts on his glasses and sits down, he grabs some tools and watches as his new design moves it's fingers, he looks over at a broken 18, it was a hot night, he sat in the door wearing his tight Calvin Klein underwear, his muscles twitched and moved under his soft skin every time he reached for a new tool, with a sigh he crushes the cigarette in the ash tray and lights up a new one, his phone vibrated and the name of the woman he took to Italy flashed.

"Bella, I'll make you a twin brother how about that?" He speaks between his teeth and cigarette when 18's finger twitches he chuckles and goes back to the Android.


"Yes 16."

"You have a guest do I let them in? It's very late."

"Va bene...let them in" the tobacco scent floats around along with his cologne that was still glued to his skin.

"Yes, Master" 16 picks up Kakarot's weights.

Concentrated in his work he didn't notice the dark slender figure behind him, he is spun around, his eyes wide in shock before composing himself, he clears his throat and crushes the cigarette in the ash tray.

"Mr. Ouji? What do I owe the pleasant surprise?"

"I came to make you addicted to me."

"Addicted? How?" He uses his purring tone.

"You'll see...give me a drink will you? It's a long way coming over here." Vegeta steps back and turns on the lights.

Kakarot closes his eyes tightly from the painful light and pulls his glasses off, he opens them and looks at his outfit and smirks, he stands and grabs a glass and whiskey, Vegeta bites his lips tightly as his eyes take in Kakarot's figure hungrily, board shoulders, steel muscles under a coat of tanned skin, plump ass, strong legs, he licked his lips noticing Kakarot's underwear were a size too small.

"Here you go, Mr. Ouji" He stands in front of Vegeta

Hard pecs and abs, amazingly he had both his nipples pierced, just waiting to be licked and sucked, he takes the glass and throws the whiskey over Kakarot's chest, pushing him back onto the chair and starts to lick the whiskey off his chest, his tongue moves up to his savoring the salt of his sweat, he goes down sucking and nibbling, his teeth pull on the marble making Kakarot chuckle.

"Lean back..." Vegeta smiles and pushes on his wide chest, his swallows the man's entire image.

"Are you feeling...hungry?"

"I'm starving."

"Well then...let me feed you something you'll love and will never let go."

The rough purr makes Vegeta fall on his knees, that damn voice will always win against him, Kakarot smirks and reaches in his underwear pulling out his throbbing, oozing, ten inch manhood, Vegeta immediately feels his insides clinch and his hole pulse, he winces when strong fingers grip his hair and bring his face forward.

Kakarot throws his head back and groans low and rough, he grins lustfully as Vegeta swallows and slurps, black eyes water as he is forcefully pulled back down feeling Mr. Son's meat slide down his throat, he glares at him and breathes through his nose. He pulls back with a gasp and looks at the enormous cock, he licks his lips and wraps his lips around the tip swirling his tongue.

"Very good Vegeta..." He chuckles and keeps a firm dominate glare and voice.

"Mmm...mmph" Vegeta wiggles his hips and licks down his length and sucks his balls in making Kakarot gasp, he blows cold air at the head making it twitch violently.

"Shit..." the man says breathlessly.

Vegeta goes back down and closes his eyes as tears run down his cheeks and drool slowly oozes down Kakarot's cock and Vegeta's chin, too quick for Vegeta's likening, he needed more than 10 minutes, he feels something warm and sticky run down his throat, he eagerly swallows every ounce of cum from his Master.

"How was that?" He pants and licks his lips.

"...not bad for your first time." His lips perk up.

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