Chapter Eleven

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When the Volk hacks into the Katze's account 😈 HAHAHAHAHAHA

ok here's the chapter :3
"Mr. Ouji...will you do anything to satisfy me?"


"Even have sex with someone else in front of me?"

"W-would that s-satisfy you?"

A slender finger goes under Vegeta's smooth chin and tilts his head up, his pupils dilate when he sees the lustful look in his eyes, Kakarot's sadistic love for carnage and his guilty masochistic love for being tortured by him, was like the feeling of death and birth all over again, a never ending cycle, a haunting desire that needed to be filled up with every piece of him, covering his body inch by inch, each ounce of pain he felt emotionally was Kakarot's, every wave of physical pleasure was Kakarot's, his haunting essence was a ghost between his sheets, the hands that touched his mind and played with his emotions, haunted lungs, wicked tongue, he gasps when teeth graze over his neck, they both knew that they couldn't let go of this game, when ever alone, his ghost stands right behind him, watching him, always there.

"I know you're capable of anything, Vegeta...will you keep playing with me?"


Vegeta no longer knew who he was, like if he were a God, Mr. Son molded him into a different person, he was confident, that once shy Vegeta was gone forever, to make it more interesting, he was still dating Broly, but in the night it's like if could hear his calling and he crawls back into the wolf's mouth, under the claws of lust.

Kakarot opens the door and calls someone in, Vegeta's black eyes land on 16, the Android looks at his master wondering what he wanted him to do.


"This is what I want you to do 16, don't hesitate one second..."

So he wanted 16 to have sex with him? Vegeta frowns a little at the thought, but he was a machine, machines don't feel, right?

The large body crawls over Vegeta, making him shake, a cold hand goes down his spine making him shiver and arch at the touch, Vegeta's small hands grip the covers and his eyes glare at Kakarot, he sits on his chair smoking a cigar, fingers drumming on the armrest and the others holding a glass with vodka.

The same cold hands squeeze his hips and brings them up, a choke cry escapes his throat making Kakarot raise an eyebrow on how he reacted to the first thrust forward.

"W-why are you doing this Kakarot?!" He glares fire at Kakarot, clinching around the meat with the look he sees, half lidded eyes, a slender finger stroking the lower lip of the man, raw cold orbs staring beyond his eyes, he covered up his mouth with the pillow stopping his foolish, embarrassing noises, pulling out and his hips push back against cold skin.

"16...I can't see very well, why don't you sit down."

"Yes, Master."

"W-what are you doi-aaahhh!!"

Nails dig into 16's knees, the cold hands hook under his knees and holds his legs wide apart letting Kakarot see the way he swallowed up the Android's cock, he moaned and trashed, his legs twitching every time the cold, soft tip rubbed against his prostate softly, with a slap he removes 16's hands away and sinks down completely, grinding his hips roughly.

"Finally I get to see that attitude Broly spoke of."

"Shut up!" Vegeta growled between mewls and moans feeling his insides grow hot from the constant in and out abuse.

"Spread your legs wider."

"Ahh...ngh...oh God!" He twitches and his legs slam shut, being spread apart again by 16, he would groan, cry, scream and jerk, sweat covered his entire body as he let 16 hold his body up and mercilessly pound into him.

"Vegeta...look at me."

"Fuck...ahh, ahh, agh, fuck!" His voice was hoarse from screaming.

"Look. At. Me."

His irises travel over to Kakarot, he had a soft angry look on his face, he grows excited and afraid when the man leans forward, wincing in pain when a strong hand grips his hair and pulls his head back.

"K-kak..ahh, ngh, I want you!"

"Never look away from me again."

Vegeta's ears tingled at the rough, furious voice, he clinches hard and arches, screaming out his pleasure, that voice and look set his insides on a pleasurable fire.

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