Chapter Seventeen

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Day 1

I'm happy I brought you along with me, I'll be able to tell you what happens to me until they release me, it's cold here, I'm not sure what they will do to me, I'm nothing in this world, no one important, I'm just a boy who wants to finish college and move on with my life, I have a feeling that the one to blame is Kakarot, these problems never happened to me while I was oblivious of him, I want to regret that day we first met, I should've let someone else take the job instead but I had to open my big mouth and look at me now. Where am I? I want to go home and call my dad, I want to leave New York and go back to living with him in our cozy, small home, the place where we would watch television all day and eat junk food, then I would go out with my old middle school friends and head for the arcade until they closed, we would later head for the shop and I would always order pizza with no toppings and some root beer, why can't those happy years come back, what did I ever do to deserve this? I want to go home, please let them save me soon.

Waiting and waiting inside a dark, cold room, he was shivering and hungry, he wanted to know what he did wrong, Vegeta's heart jumps in happiness when a soft ray of sun shines through a small hole between the wall and ceiling, he holds his hand out and feels the warm sun hitting against his palm, he never thought he would have such a desire to see the sun, he felt like an animal, these people were worse than a predator, at least animals hunt for survival, what about them?

The door unlocks from the outside and screeches as it opens, Vegeta, like a small harmless animal, stands close to a corner, seeking for a way to make the shadows protect him, chuckles and snickers emerge from the men's throats, a blinding light hits him in the face blinding him completely, he blinks wide eyes and tries to look at the men that now moved to surround him but only light, white light is everything he saw.

Question after question he was asked, he didn't understand any if them, he stuttered to answer, the voiced boomed in fury when he was answered with the same reply, it was the only thing Vegeta managed to say between his shaking teeth.

Several minutes passed by making it feel like an eternity for Vegeta, his skull cracked against the floor, crimson leaked on to it inking forever, he felt his ribs bounce inside and shatter against each other, he cried out like a child, a hand gripped his hair and pulled him up to his feet, Vegeta felt like if he was trying to tear his skin and hair off his head, hoarsely he begged mercy, his teeth rattled and he could no longer see, his bones seemed like paper, they easy broke him, completely, stripped him off human.

Vegeta cried and screamed, he felt leather strike his back until his tormentor grew exhausted, they took turns until there was no space to scar.

"Stop!" Vegeta cried like an animal "stop!"

The whip snaps behind him and stops only for a short time, he struggles to stay on his feet as the leather burns against his thighs, screeching and tearing his lungs at the pleads, the torture finally stops.

"Vegeta, will you tell me the truth now?" Frieza steps on his head.

"I-I d-don't know what...y-you're talking about!"

"Of course you know! You know Kakarot, you've been to his house many times before haven't you!" He digs his finger inside his back.

"AH! NO! PLEASE!" Vegeta cries raw and tries to move away.

"Very asked for this." Frieza grabs a tool and flips Vegeta on his stomach, bending down he goes for the ankle.

Cold metal touches Vegeta's skin, he gasps when he feels something sharp start to squeeze, the metal cuts through his skin and nerves.


Vegeta shakes violently, his breath ragging, a pissed off Frieza wipes off the dead blood off his tools, Mr. Glacie glances at the one who began to wrap up the bleeding, infected ankle.

"Frieza, son, that's good enough, after this beating I don't think anyone would lie to you."

"Damn it. Let's go I'm exhausted."

"Sir, what do we do to him?" Zarbon looks over at Vegeta

"Just leave him there, he won't be going anywhere for a while."

Vegeta hears movement before listening to the footsteps fade away, he crawls blindly to the bed and falls over it, inking it with his blood and sobs.

Cooler's P.O.V

Why did I ever agree to this?

I'm disgusted with my family name, never have I seen a scene like that, they way he tortured him, it was nonhuman, not even animals do these kinds of things, where was humanity just now? They butchered his meat, I won't be surprised if the next morning he's dead, I can bet anything that right now...that's his most wanted desire.

I am so sorry 😭😭

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