Chapter Forty Eight

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Remember guys the italic are the flashbacks or dreams in this situation


"Wie geht es dir?" (How are you?) Jörg asks sitting over Kakarot's couch, crossing one leg over the other as he leaned back giving out the view of his tainted chest.

The glint of a golden pistol tucked into his pants letting the eyes know that he had wealth and the balls to leave bullets into the body of whomever dared to cross the door.

"Wunderbar."  (Wonderful.) Kakarot smiles, he shifts uncomfortably wincing as the rope around his wrists cut through his skin leaving it irritated, he looked over at his destroyed Androids, the three of them twitching and glitching.

"Wir...haben unfertige Geschäfte, ja?" (We...have unfinished business, yes?)

"Ich glaube, ja." (I believe, yes.)

Jörg goes up to Kakarot and rubs his gun against his cheek and grabs his chin pointing the mouth of it to his forehead, Kakarot winces as the back of his hair is pulled by Klause.

"About my sister..."

"I know this visit has more to do with yourself than your sister, Jörg." Kakarot chuckles and looks up at him "so much more, your jealousy and envy. That's why you're here."

"Envy, ha! I envy no man stepping foot over the grounds."

"Lying to yourself won't make your ego feel know that your father had great admiration towards me."

Klause sighs and kicks him across the face knocking the chair on its side where Kakarot is tied helplessly, where is Vegeta, that was the important question going through his mind. As he was pulled off the ground and back to his sitting position, Kakarot decided to make this game last a little longer, --knowing Jörg despite his age, would play along like a child-- he sucked on his teeth to taste his blood, an unusual flavor laying over his taste buds.

"Don't suck your teeth at me." Jörg growled from the dark.

Kakarot stayed still, very silent, looking up he sucks his teeth again receiving a whack to the jaw with the back of a Franchi, that was the most painful shit he's felt tonight.

"Stressed?" Kakarot asks.

"Suck your teeth at him once more and I'll pry them out," Klause raises some pliers to his face "with these Mr. Playboy."

"Well Klause, I thought you hated Italians."

"Don't fuck around with me."

"It's interesting that being so hateful towards carry around a Franchi SPAS 12....made by Italian hands."

Klause grits his teeth and grabs the pliers, having enough putting up with Kakarot's sarcastic shit, being in the same room was catastrophic enough to bring out war between the two countries thus preparing everyone else for WW3. What Kakarot had in these hard situations was raw intellect, Klause was only muscles, Jörg on the other hand had the same intellectual as the Italian to know they were playing mind games, this was so Kakarot. Jörg stops him before his brother could pull anything out of the man's mouth.

"Not yet Klause." Jörg looks over at Kakarot, what a carefree bastard he was "where's Vegeta?"


A struck to his face and his teeth cut through the inside of his cheeks.

"Vegeta Ouji, that fascinating journalist, the one who loves to be kissed between his ear and neck that space where his hair starts."

Kakarot smiles and shrugs, blood boiling his veins.

"Now I want to meet him."

Jörg twitches, trigger is pulled destroying a glass near Kakarot's head, the man flinches slightly a loud beep ringing in his ears, so Jörg was serious about wanting the boy under his possession? Well ain't that sad, Vegeta belonged to him. Him alone, praying the young fool won't just walk into the room and be taken away...forever.

"Alright, Kakaroto, you want to play...let's play."

"Sure, by the way..." Kakarot leans forward with a smile across his face "how's your mother?"

The game ended the second those words left his lips, Jörg looks at Klause, taking the hint Klause grins and knocks Kakarot out cold.

Jörg walked down the stairs slowly, how exhausting, taking care of a family that is more fucked now then when his father was here, if his father was here looking at him right now the man would probably punish him for running his "throne" so childishly and letting his sisters and mother get away with half the things Father would've punished brutally for. Pathetic, sighing with lament for this weakness he headed towards the dining room imagining what delicious feast his nanny was making.

Heart pumps fast, an awful cringe feeling crushed his heart, his head screaming look away and run but feet remained steady on the ground, kill him, fuck him up, attack him! Do something! His mind yelled again and again, but he couldn' could he?


Lady pushes Kakarot a distance away from her and hides behind him wanting the earth to eat her up.

"Jörg!" She pleads.

"Get out..." Jörg glares at Kakarot "GET OUT!!!"

Kakarot looks over at Lady and smiles at her before walks swiftly away leaving mother and son to themselves.


An action he never thought he would do was the first instinct that raced to his brain, with all his force, fury and betrayal he sends his mother to the ground, using his feet to stomp her to filth, tears streaming down his cheeks and eyes flaming.

"How could you! How! YOU'VE CHEATED ON MY FATHER!"

Hate. An unknown feeling and word now becoming his most powerful lethal weapon.

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