Chapter Twenty

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Day 4

Vegeta's P.O.V

I don't need you to save me, I don't need you to heal me, I don't you and your antidote for I am my disease, I don't you to free me, I don't need you to help me, I don't you to lead me through the light.

I will always fall and rise again, coz I'm a survivor and I am a fighter, I will rise above, I will not hide my face, I will not fall from grace, I will walk into the fire, all my life I was afraid to die, and now, here alone, dying slowly, I'm starting to come alive inside these flames.

I force my body to stand, I hold myself steady and reach out to the small ray of sun, you keep me alive, they will not see me fall again! I will live through this and keep my lungs breathing, I don't need you to save me...I am a fighter! I ignore the tears that surf down my face, I will keep my head held high and face the devil, I will look at him in the eyes, face to face, I am not afraid, like in a dream I can see Kakarot, I can see him watching me as I slowly disappear, I reached for you to save me Kakarot, take it all away, take it all away please, the filth, the pain, humiliation, take away my broken body.

My feet move around the room, there is no way to escape and I don't have the energy to either, slowly, circulating the pain inside my soul, I reach inside your silence to steal what you won't show, I tried to find the answers in my fears, Kakarot, but what was found is lost again as soon as it appeared, Kakarot...Kakarot, I'm breaking I can't do this on my own.

Can no one hear me screaming out? Am I all alone?

My knees give in and I crash on the ground, please, take me away...take me away, far away from here, take me to that paper flower field, where no one can harm me, that place where I can be safe under your shade, unnoticed, nonexistent to the ears of others, help me erase this from my memory, please Kakarot, my dear Kakarot, are you smiling at me? Is it because you're happy or because your laughing at me? Laughing because I'm weak?

I can't wash it all away, I can't wish it all away, I can't cry it all away or scratch it all away, I want to be beside you, listening to you, please speak to me, say you'll be with me, I know I cannot bare this all alone, I can't fight or hope it all away, can't scream this all away, it won't fade away! Kakarot!

Not noticing I sit up and start sobbing uncontrollably, digging my nails into my dirty skin, I scream out your name to the four walls that stare at me, why haven't you come to take me with you?


Normal P.O.V

"You haven't found him? It's been four days, four days, I can't bare this any longer!" Bulma sobs into her hands, she needed to know if her precious friend was dead or alive.

"Ms. Briefs, I am doing the best I can, please don't start losing hope, if you do then who will keep him alive?"

"How can you be sure he's still alive?"

"When there is hope anything can happen." His goring blue eyes glance out the window, just like the first time he saw Vegeta standing outside, guilt crawled onto him, he should've been more careful.

But like they say, "should have" does not exist, he gives Bulma a few more comforting words before saying his goodbyes, he heads back to his apartment, the sudden feeling of melancholy took over him, getting the best of him he began to remember things from his childhood, smiling at the silly things he stands and heads for the room where he could relax for hours on end, his slender fingers wrap around a slim brush and few paints sit next to him, keeping him company.

"Vegeta Ouji."

In darkness, all around him, he was against the wall, falling from grace, there was a burning lust deep inside him of the pain he loved, it was starting to take shape, burning like a cigarette he will take his time to suck him in, time kept passing by but he felt so frozen still, he had many scars but a specific one was too deep to feel, devastating, in a thought of rage he kicks his supplies away spilling the paint everywhere, the first person he cared about and it turned out like this.

He lost the power to feel tonight, he was a victim of a crime, he was never the victim, who was he? He was never the puppet but always the puppeteer.

Nothing lasts forever, but he would trade anything to somehow save him, once he stood so tall now he was searching for a sign, now he needed a reason, a reason just to stay, because some couldn't bother to stick around another day, but he made Bulma a promise and he was going to find Vegeta.

He was starting to forget Vegeta's face, how dark his eyes turned when he was angry, he couldn't imagine what he was going through, was he still alive? He was afraid to answer honestly, but his answer is, he didn't know.

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