Chapter Twelve

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Vegeta stirred in his sleep, trying to open his heavy eyes only to be blinded by a bright light, groaning softly he looked over at the clock and realized he was still in Mr. Son's bed, confused he turns his head towards the bathroom and sees steam coming out, quickly he jumps off the bed and gets on his feet

"OW!" He holds his lower back and frowns deeply.

It was still the same day, how could he have agreed to be used as a sex toy? A damn machine abused his insides...he could still feel his shape, mental slap and he looks inside the bathroom, he held his breath in his throat, fearing that everything would vanish like smoke, between the steam he makes out Kakarot's tall figure.

Mr. Son gently puts his phone over the sink, he slowly peels a black tank top off his body and lets it fall on the floor, he pulls blue spandex pants off his hips and slides them down his thighs, Vegeta jumps and quickly hides behind the door when the phone rings, his heart pounds in his ear, his breath comes out shallow and ragged and his forehead covered in thick drops of sweat, his ears melt at the sound of a husky voice speaking in it's raw mother language, once he was sure Kakarot was back in the bathroom, Vegeta let his eyes flutter all over Mr. Son's figure, ivory, creamy, silky skin, the virile and powerful muscles, his ass was round and firm...The pure image of perfection.

He wished he could be the water that was going through Mr. Son's hair, he was burning to touch that tempting skin, to trace his curves with his fingers, to grab and squeeze his firm buttocks, run his tongue rapidly up his and down his strong neck and hard chest, the steam slowly lets him take a better look of his body, furious he clinches his fists when he spots the evidence of his past lovers, between his shoulders the scars of scratches and nails filled his back, how many women did that? Had the chance to have him between their thighs and hold onto dear life while he, like a devil, sucked in every ounce of sanity left in them? Slowly driving them crazy and making them craving for more carnal desire, how many has Mr. Son wrapped up in his wings of lust, made them look into his dark, sick soul? When was he going to have a chance to know who Kakarot Son is? The strong feeling of jealously made a heat rise from his chest up to his cheeks, jealous? This was still a game, they were still playing, did he have more limits since he was a man? Mr. Son already showed him a possessive side, but then again, every kid has a possession of a toy they like, he was the toy and Mr. Son was the kid.

"While you stand there do you mind scrubbing my back?"

Purring voice rings in his ears, he grabs the wet sponge and soap, the smell of wild berries, the way Mr. Son smelled of every time they saw each other, swallowing hard he watches Kakarot move his hair away giving him full access, Vegeta couldn't help but stare hungrily and desperate at his back, goring his eyes into his skull, he began in slow circular motions at his shoulders, standing on his tip toes to reach better, Mr. Son chuckles when the soap slowly surfs down his chest and between his steal hard abs, slowly tracing and going between the corners of his body.

"Mr. Son?"


"What...what are these marks?" He traces his fingers over a scar in the middle of Mr. Son's back, on the sexy curve of his body, he gently scrubs his sides and hips.

"Why do you want to know?" His voice sounded teasingly.


"It's nothing...just the past."

"Can I know about it?"


Vegeta frowns "why not?"

Mr. Son washes his head and body, turns off the water, a long arm reaches for a towel and wraps it around, hiding his glorious bottom part.

"You are different."

"How so?"

"Come with me."

Mr. Son walks into his large room and opens a window showing Vegeta the busy ground, he could hear the traffic and smell the smoke from the factories, the strong winds made him hold onto the long wine colored curtains fearing he would fall.


"You see them down there?"

"Yes...I do."

"I will tell you why you are different, Vegeta, unaware...oblivious of their surroundings, always busy and caught up in a dark cloud wrapped up between the odors of this contaminated hell hole."

"That is New York for you."

"Look at them...they are merely words...while you are poetry."

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