Chapter Thirty Seven

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Vegeta listened to the calm conversation between Mr. Son and the lawyer, he didn't understand one word but it was impossible not to pay attention to this beautiful language, then he admired the rough beauty in Kakarot's father, his expression was very firm and held thousands of mysteries, when he asked for the family business since they were filthy rich, the father answered that were just fishers and their industry was called Pesce, Vegeta knew it was in honor of Mr. Son, mentioning once about his childhood nickname, that's just about all he could get from the father, it was impossible that only fish gave them a wealth that big, but he didn't ask more remembering Kakarot's rule of not asking more than he should.

There was a special, little person right next to him, separating Kakarot by a foot, putting distance on purpose, it was the baby brother Gohan, there was some conflicting feeling the moment they got introduced to each other, why? He wasn't quiet sure but it had to do with him being so close to Kakarot. It didn't bother him when Gohan would grab his brother's hand or when there was a light caress to Mr. Son's cheek, they were just brothers right?

Though Vegeta had his doubts on an forbidden relationship between them. Gohan acted as if he were jealous, brother jealousy was normal...but to be caressing your brother lovingly? That was giving one to much details that Vegeta wanted to deny and was starting to piss him off.

"Where do you wish to eat today, Vegeta?" Kakarot asked the short male once the meeting was over and they were outside under the hot sun.

"Well, I'm not sure since I don't know this place, so...surprise me." Vegeta smiled.

"Can I come along? I hope you don't mind Vegeta!" Gohan smiled as he hugged his brother around the waist.

", no, of course I don't!" chuckling, he wanted to rip Gohan's head off.

Of course he minded, what was the damn point in you and I if they were going to have a third wheel? He wanted to tell Kakarot that three was a crowd to him, but he was afraid that he would get offended by not wanting his brother around, he had no right to say that since Gohan was his blood and he, well, he was just...he didn't even know what he was anymore he just didn't have the right.

But there was one thing that cheered him up, in that big house on the other side of this beautiful town, it was just Mr. Son and Vegeta, no in between, meanwhile he would have to follow the brothers around, a little more behind since he was snapping pictures of everything.

"Kakaroto I have to go now, I got a call from papa."

"Very well I will see you tomorrow, say hello to everyone for me." Kakarot said ruffling his brother's hair.

"Ok." Gohan smiles and kisses his brother quickly on the lips before running off "see you tomorrow!"

Vegeta was slapped across the face with a giant fish, did he just see Gohan kiss...apparently all those doubts have been cleared, when Gohan was out of hearing he walked up to Mr. Son and glared unintentionally.

"Did he actually kiss you?"

"It's normal for brothers to kiss," Kakarot calmly answers while eyeing him "we're family."

"One weird family I would say."

Kakarot chuckles and walks off "come it will rain soon."

Indeed it began raining the second they stepped back into the house, Kakarot, for some reason, began peeling his clothes off down to the way God had brought him to Earth, Vegeta could feel his heart slamming against his ribcage, butterflies flapping widly inside his stomach.


"Lay down." He whispered roughly but gentle.

Vegeta obeys and looks between his legs, he guessed what that enchanting glance meant, burning in desire for the body he had abandoned, hoping to turn off his passion and carnal desire and without a doubt Kakarot moves forward to the young creature. It was like a wolf moving towards it's prey, Vegeta didn't run away, he was waiting, anxiously awaiting, hoping nothing and no one stopped what was about to happen.

Kakarot's hands slide smoothly but firmly over Vegeta and pull off every cloth that covers his slim body and bothers his desire, the flashing light from outside bathing over their bodies, they have made it this far and it was the point of no return now.

"Ah, w-wait...faster Kakarot." Vegeta presses his hands firmly over a built chest, feeling Kakarot twitch as he penetrates him slowly, stretching his inner walls, deeper and deeper into him until he couldn't go any further.

"I'm making an exception on making love, Vegeta, enjoy it." Kakarot kisses his ankles, lips moving down to his calf.

"If you stay there...touching there...I'm going to cum soon."

"Try to keep up with me." Kakarot bends over him, both hands pressing against the mattress.

"Ok." Vegeta whispers, feeling Kakarot pull his hips out then pushing back in "ah! Ha!"

It was happening, finally, this new feeling, it was different from any other man that has put their hands on him, it was going to be impossible to keep up, Vegeta's legs were pressed tightly to Kakarot's sides hugging him round his waist, one hand fisted in the covers while the other held onto a strong nape, soon their bodies were covered in sweat, soft gasps escaping their chests, non stop movement of hips, pleasure penetrated into the core, voices of choked pleasure echoing off the walls matching the symphony outside. Experienced hands moving to unknown places, brushing here and caressing there.

Skin against skin, letting go to the silence, this moment of beauty, giving himself fully to the one taking his body, a humid kiss crosses through his lips, heavy in passion, penetrated by his member, with force and anxious, with desire of an enormous contempt excitement. Trying to keep control, feeling Kakarot inside him, part of him, part of his body, a strom of unlimited passion.

Unconscious of the time passing by, the storm slowing down after reaching a halt, slowly going back to the calm silence, deeply inside him, now part of him, legs intertwined, dripping wet bodies pressed tightly together and the dark blanket of dreams covering them up.

They finally fucked ¬¬
First time is always cheesy :P

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