Chapter Four

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I know I said last night but I wake up at 5 in the morning to go to work sooo...
Also this is a tender chapter too much sex is very bad for you.
It’s been years since the last time I wrote in this book…uh journal, diary? I don’t know, it’s been…around…five months since I last saw Mr. Son, business trip or maybe vacations to Italy, he took a woman with him, it pissed me off so much, I just wish that he would have eyes only for me, like I have them for him. I’ll be a woman or whatever he wants, I want him for me and just me. When did this feeling begin to grow? Well maybe the first time he first laid his eyes on me or his hands. Well that’s all I have to say for now maybe I’ll write in you next he touches my skin.

Vegeta glues a picture of Kakarot on the blank page next to were he wrote, once done he flipped to the first day he wrote in the journal, he face palmed at the stupid things he would write, blushing from time to time at the things he would say when he was around fourteen. He wrote about his past loves and about his dreams of becoming someone…famous. Well shit he was famous…for being a whore. He slams the journal shut and sighs, he is Mr. Son’s little sex toy and he’ll never get sick of it! His ways to make him feel good without even touching was a gift not every man had, from all the boys he dated in high school none of them were like him, the 28 year old man was perfectionist, charming, intimidating, intoxicating and good with his hands…very good.

“I’ll never have a chance to something more than just a quick fuck.” Vegeta frowns and hugs his knees tightly.

Bulma knocks and opens the door with a phone in her hand, she smiles and sits down on the bed, Vegeta looks at her and smiles back.

“Are you alright, Geets?”

“Yeah…just a little tired from school.”

“We never said college was easy huh” she chuckles “come on something’s wrong with you…are you in love?”

“What? Heck no, what makes you think I feel such nonsense?”

“Oh well ok…” she stands and heads for the door “by the way…Mr. Son is on the line.”

Vegeta quickly picks up the phone and shoos Bulma out before closing his door and locking it, he takes in a deep breath and presses the machine to his ear, before he could greet Mr. Son on the other side and rough, low purr rings in his ears, like honey slowly going down your throat.

“Mr. Son?” shocking he sounded so calm.

Good evening, Mr. Ouji, I hope I didn’t interrupt whatever you were doing? Maybe writing about me?

Vegeta’s eyes shoot open in shock, slowly he looks towards the journal not even 10 minutes have passed since he wrote about him…Mr. Son was being to scare him.

“Writing about you? You’re not that important Mr. Son”


Vegeta bites his bottom lip when Kakarot laughs, was he laughing because it was funny or…?

Thank you for the compliment Mr. Ouji, now listen in a few minutes my driver will pick you up, please be ready.”

“Wait?! What?! What are you talking about Kakarot?”

See you then, ciao bello.”

“Motherfucker.” Vegeta jumps off his bed and swings the doors of his closet open, clothes began to rain on the floor.

The driver stares at Vegeta’s clothes and raises an eyebrow, a shirt with a big skull in the middle, completely ripped jeans and black, boots with white paint on them…seriously his boss was interested in this boy?

“You’re not going to dress like that and be in a good restaurant, right?”

Vegeta blinks confused “but…my friends say it’s awesome.”

“You're stuck in your teen world, come I’ll take you to a place where you can buy decent clothes.”

“B-but I don’t have enough money! I mean they don’t pay me that well…and I gotta save money.”

“Well you won’t go anywhere near the entrance dressed that way.” He opens the door for him.

“My clothes are awesome.” He frowns and steps in the limo.

Vegeta glares at the driver then at store he is forced to go into, he looks between the same styled shirts when a bright light snaps in front of him, confused he looks out the window and hears the sky rumble.

Thanking the driver Vegeta could fit in with the rest of the folks that chat quietly, he looked over at the band playing soft jazz, it was boring and he was waiting for the damn man to arrive, what if he never does come?

A hand squeezes his shoulder making him look up and meet with blue eyes, he blushes and shakes the hand off.

“I see you decided to dress for the special occasion.” Kakarot sits down, dressed in a grey suit with a white tie, his plump lips perk up making Vegeta swallow hard.

“Well…” he licks his dry lips “your driver insisted that-”

“Barney, he thinks everyone should dress the same way as I, but next time come dressed like you please…I like your style, you’re unafraid to show your skin.”

White perfect teeth flash and Vegeta melts into a hot pulp, he smiles shyly and presses his thin lips together, slowly his cheeks grow from a pink to a dark red, he pants lightly and stares at Kakarot’s hand as it lays on his, his thumb strokes his knuckles, he giggles stupidly and pulls his hand away from the man.

Kakarot smiles and sips some wine, Vegeta watches his Adam's apple move down then up again as he swallows.

“Kakarot what am I to you?”

“You’re an everyday adventure that must never die.”

Vegeta’s heart explodes into a million tiny hearts.

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