Chapter Twenty Two

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Day 6 part 1

"Please....enough...." Vegeta presses his hands against Klause's chest trying to stop him.

Vegeta's arms are yanked up and his hands are roughly held together, he forgot the most important rule, no touching.

"You're still breaking rules, Kätzchen." Klause growls against his lips, he slaps Vegeta for the fifth time when he tries to kiss him.

Tears surface and roll out of Vegeta's tired eyes and sink into the mattress, wave after wave of pleasure slam right into him, he keeps his legs spread wide not touching Klause, the only skin contact was when his hips and pelvis met with his ass, his gaze ran over Jörg's chest he wanted to touch his scars and lick the sweat from his neck, he was forbidden to make a sound so he kept biting into his lips as he clenched and arched like a wild animal, like many times last night to this morning he coated his chest and stomach, an unintentional scream escapes when Klause's cock rammed into his prostate, the sensitivity was painfully blissful.

"Klause please, stop!"

Klause slams into him painfully and arches forward, his mouth falls, sweat dripped off his chin as he filled Vegeta's insides with his hot essence. Pulling out he pushes his blond hair back, his muscles flexing with every movement, after so long Vegeta was actually enjoying this kind of torture, the pain they inflected on his body was arousing.

"You broke two rules, Vegeta." Jörg's hot breath tickles bright red nipples

"Jörg, let me rest, please, ah, agn, ahh, i-it hurts...ah, don't stop"

Jörg's teeth sink into his skin, blood starts to ink the white sheets again, the pain made Vegeta's new erection press against Jörg's pelvis, the German's musky scent sent hot swirls to his ballsac.

Vegeta grunts when his legs are pulled up to his face, his wrists tied to his ankles making him wince in pain, Jörg's bronzed wide body emerges darkly. Both brothers force themselves into him making him cry out in raw pain, he begged as both stretched and pulled his insides, thin lines of blood ran down his curved back, soon he went numb until they finished mixing their cum with his blood, the pain of being curled for so long eased away when his ankles and wrists were released letting his body fall onto the dirty bed.

Vegeta whimpers when the mouth of the cold pistol presses against his forehead, what was going to happen next?

"Vegeta open your eyes and look at me."

He obeys and opens his eyes, both Jörg and Klause stared down at him, their chests moving slowly to every breath, their skin sticky from the sweat, his blood was on their hips and thighs, he tries not to let his tears fall, he was so tired and he didn't have much energy to try to be strong, Klause pushes Vegeta's hair away from his face and leans to his ear, whispering soothing coos in his foreign tongue, calming Vegeta down while Jörg dressed, it was finally over.

"My bruder has offer for you." Klause climbs off the bed and grabs his clothes.


Jörg tucks his pistol back into his pants and covers it with his wine colored shirt, a scowl making him look troubled.

"Vegeta, come with me."

"What?" Vegeta feels light headed all of the sudden, the sedate was still in his system.

"Come. With me." Jörg sits in front of him holding Vegeta's cheek with his rough hand "come with me, back to Germany."


"You can have anything you want, Kätzchen, our home will be your home, our servants will be yours, you want to buy clothes, car, jewelry, I pay, you want to eat in fancy restaurant, I pay, all you have to do is stay with me and do as I say."

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