Chapter Twenty Six

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As expected, Kakarot stayed close to his bedroom door, he observed in silence as Vegeta exchanged loving hugs with his friends, mostly with Bulma, well she was clinging onto him, then there was this man, he was Vegeta's father without a fucking doubt, sighing Kakarot felt homesickness, that was a first since he's been living on his own since the age of twelve.

His mother, he forgot about her, closing the door, slowly sitting on the edge of the large bed, pressing the phone to his ear he waited on the other side to hear the voice he knew well but also forgot how it sounded.

Vegeta relaxed wrapped in his blanket like a burrito, his head was comfortably resting over Bulma's lap, the calm feeling beginning to make him snooze.

"Vegeta." The voice of his father yanked him back by the hair.


"You haven't told me who this so called friend is."

"I told you he's a friend, he is a good guy don't sweat it."

"Vegeta! Who is he?"

"Umm...mister Vegeta sir, I think you should believe him, V-Vegeta wouldn't lie to you in such a way."

The man with an ugly frown, crosses his arms and leans back against the couch, he wasn't convinced, this new friend was rich and looked high, as in important and different. Different in, he had unreachable standards at least for someone like him and his son, his social status was unimaginable to him, his living room was his entire backyard for fuck's sake!

"What man of high air would look upon someone like us?"

"Dad!" Vegeta whined.

"Oh come on Mr. V! This guy looks nice...and rich!" Bulma wiggles her eyebrows "also he saved your son."

"Fine, fuck, I'll invite the bastard over for dinner with us tonight." The man huffs and slumps back.

"Thanks papa!" Vegeta happily clapped his hands, freedom felt so good!

"Shh shh here he comes!"

Entering the room, elegant as usual, the air of mystery and an uninterested mask worn on Mr. Son's face, a glass of wine in his hand, Vegeta wondered, who the hell wears a tie indoors? Or maybe he was trying to look presentable?

"Soooo, Kakarot is it?" Mr. Vegeta sits up in attention, ready to interview him.

"I'd rather you call me, Mr. Son, if you don't mind my straightforward command." His voice, smooth and low, as usual, purring, always so polite, if he desired to offend you, crush you, he used his politeness to destroy you.

"Command? Shit, I don't take commands from boys!"

"That makes two of us."

"Alright...Mr. Man boy, you and all that elegance falling off your ass will be joining us for dinner, none of that artsy shit you enjoy though, think you can take eating with your hands?"

16 approaches his master and whispers quietly in his ear, the three guests bonded when a chill ran up their spine when those lips curled up into a smirk that held a strong mystery, a frightening one.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Vegeta Ouji, but I have to attend a customer who is dying to see me."

"Kakarot I want to go with you!" Vegeta hopes off the couch and clings onto Mr. Son's sleeve.

"No, you stay here." With a swift tug his sleeve slides out of his hold, it was like leaving a cranky child behind who was glaring bullets into his back.

Vegeta stands in the middle of the room, his eyes stabbing into Kakarot's skull, clearing his throat and fixing his tie, Kakarot doesn't lose eye contact as the doors to the elevator start to close, Vegeta's feet moved forward and with his heart sinking into his stomach he barely slides into the same small space with the man and machine leaving his pissed off father and secretly happy friend.

"I said I'm going and I am going!"

"That's what I was waiting for someone like you to do," Kakarot smirks, a slender finger pushing a button "but I rather you stay, you're still not feeling well."

"Listen here, Mr. Smooth, you said you weren't gonna give me to any man or woman."



The trip to see this so called customer was silent, now that Vegeta could sit and think, or analyze, he had no shoes on, it was freezing outside and he was wearing shorts with a tank top, stupid boy.

Everything because he didn't want some other hands to be touching and groping things they shouldn't, if Mr. Son wasn't going to let him be with someone else, hell no he was going to let him enjoy himself, he wasn't a toy and when it came to playing he knew how to play fair. Equal parts for both of them. Flinching, Vegeta notices Mr. Son's face inches close to his face, pushing him away he notices the jacket around him, he eyes the man, embarrassed and red to his ears he snuggles into the jacket, that scent clinging onto it, it was apart from his cologne, that body odor from Mr. Son's body, it was like a musky scent, he could recognize it without a second doubt.

"Do you like Bon Jovi?" Kakarot asks as he pulls out a book.

"Who?" blinking innocently, Vegeta reaches for a comic book.

Mr. Son looks at him like if he were either stupid or grew another head, what did they teach children nowadays?

*shrugs* I dunno.

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