Chapter Thirty Two

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Ah, there he was again, the same old Kakarot, he smiled at him and spun around in the chair while the man listened to the new ideas of the workers, promising them a raise in money and position, Vegeta knew that the man was still in heavy depression but that couldn't stop him from coming to work and trying to put his sells up again.

There was one certain fella who wasn't happy, disagreeing with Vegeta assisting the meeting, it was sort of "top secret", for some fucking reason his best friend trusted this kid blindly, to the point of letting him listen to meeting that were not of his concern, he was going to keep an eye open and watch him closely.

Slowly as the sun began to die over the busy buildings Vegeta got the strange feeling when Mr. Son told him to wait outside, well he was waiting, it was a cold September night, he was never really into hot days since everyone was carefree showing some skin, the little insecurity about his body made him fear the criticism even though he's been naked many times, seen his body many times, thin and slim, now it was just thin, the weight loss from the kidnapping, then Mr. Son suddenly stopped playing with him, it was all weird and painful.


"Huh?!" Vegeta jumps in surprise from being ripped out of a day dream.

Falling into another day dream just as quick as his eyes landed on Mr. Son, a mountain of muscle, thankfully he wore one of those round collared sweaters that marked his wide shoulders and triceps, biceps, well toned chest, almost as a second skin, the jeans were just as good, a glimpse from the golden cross that hanged from his neck made Vegeta remember about the event of Kakarot losing his mother.

A normal person would still be grieving their deceased mother. Seriously this man's heart was unbreakable.

"I feel like walking through central park, please join me?"

"Of course!"

Did he just say please? Also he asked him to join, in the past he would've just said "come. I feel like walking." oh Kakarot, he was truly invincible.

They walked side by side, not too close, not too far from each other, Vegeta decided to stay a little behind to admire the man from another angle, many eyes landed on the young multimillionaire, wondering his name, who was he? Why have I never seen him? He's gorgeous! Those where some of the things going through everyone's head.

"Vegeta, let me ask you a question."

"Y-yes!" he blushed embarrassed for day dreaming.

"The other day you suggested selling Androids, I analized and you may the one that can put my company back in motion, but then that would mean that I'll ignore my workers offers."

", I'm sorry, well shit." Vegeta smiles nervously.

"Would you like to work for me? You'll have an excellent pay, I promise, you can still keep your job at the newspaper but you'll also be with me." Kakarot eyes the small creature.

"Thank you, Mr. Son, but I wouldn't feel comfortable."

"Are you sure?"


Kakarot's mood to a frustrated, annoyed and angry, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and the spoiled teenager turns it down, sitting down on a bench Vegeta waits for the anger in the man to calm down and fade a little before joining him.

"Sit down." came the command.

Vegeta fell to his butt over the bench and gave the man full attention, the man's hand reached out to him making him close his eyes tightly, then came the light caress to the back of his head, Vegeta opened his eyes when the hand moved to the top of his head, giving a little ruffle then a petting, like if he were a little animal, he couldn't resist and leaned into Kakarot's hand once it moved from his head to his face. Warm, rough from the blisters, soft, powerful enough to take his breath away, Kakarot had touched him thousands of times but never as gentle. It was amazing, like who touches a newborn child.

"Kakarot?" glossy eyes move up looking for blue orbs.

"You better put a check mark over make Kakarot touch my head."

"I-I...i-it's not...I didn't know y-your hands..."

"That my hands could touch?" Kakarot chuckles "I know when to grasp and when to touch, Vegeta."

"Say my name that." Vegeta fell in love with the way his own name sounded rolling off his Italian tongue.

Kakarot couldn't resist the smirk, the muscles forcing the side of his mouth to stretch up, he chuckles while rubbing his bottom lip with his thumb, bright blue eyes penetrating Vegeta's young soul. He has made many women tremble violently just with intensifing his accent, it worked with this young humble boy, he was fragile yet still very strong, he could move the kid as he pleased but because the kid would let him, he could bet anything that Vegeta could put him in his place with no doubt.

"People are looking at me." He smiled.

"So? They don't even know who you are, so just do it." Vegeta didn't notice he was gripping the man's knees, fuck he was feeling it that much.

He chuckles again and looks around them, pronouncing the name again and he had the boy leaning forward to kiss him, Kakarot shrugged off the stares, holding onto Vegeta's tiny chin with slender fingers, thumb pulls on Vegeta's bottom lip, peppermint scented breath fills his lungs, he smirks knowing who was stealing his candy.

Heads turn to the muffled sound of moans, eyes meeting with a beautiful man who's lips were being devoured by a younger man, it was a shame that beauty like that has gone to waste, they thought.

Kakarot took Vegeta by his neck and pulled him away from his swollen lips, a thin saliva string connecting their hot mouths, the man ran his thumb over Vegeta's lips, shocked when his finger was trapped between two rows of straight white teeth, swallowing hard, the lips close around his thumb and suck, a small tongue licked around.

This was a known display to him, but never reacted to it, until now that his hard cock was painfully pressing against his jeans while a teenager sucked on his thumb and moaned cutely making everyone else uncomfortable.

What the hell was happening to Kakarot Son?

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