Chapter Forty One

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Dear stupid gay journal, today Kakarot left me a note where he wants me to be ready for some celebration, his cousin was getting married and like every man, they expect their last bachelor party, I don't like that idea, since there's gonna be tons of strippers shaking their ass and shit, his short friend I think his name is Krillin said Kakarot was the soul of parties...even though he doesn't look like the one to party. Well I ain't gonna go down without a fight!

Vegeta closes the journal at the sound of the door opening and Akela's excited barks and whines, looking around he noticed all the clothes that were on the ground where he was looking for something decent to put on, with a sigh he grabs a plain black shirt and some jeans.

"This is shit!" He throws them away and grabs something else but tosses it away "and so is this!"

"Why don't you just wear what you always do?"

Kakarot's voice made him snap his head up and frown, the bastard was already dressed, wearing some jeans, a blue long sleeved button down shirt that made his eyes stand out intensely, a golden Rolex watch on his wrist, must've bought it today since Vegeta has never seen it before.

"Because I don’t like my clothes, why are you dressed so elegant to see strippers?" Vegeta spat angrily.

"Strippers? Who said anything about those kind of women?"

"Your friend...the bald man."

"Krillin not bald man. I'm sorry but he's wrong, there will be no strippers, listen beautiful..." Kakarot smiles and sits down next to him and puts his warm hand over Vegeta's pale thigh.

"Then what kind of last bachelor party is this?

"Don’t interrupt me, there won't be strippers until after the dinner party."

"Ah." Vegeta frowned darkly.

Kakarot chuckles and kisses his forehead, with a ruffle to his hair, his head turned to the tv when the voice of a woman catches his attention.

"What are you watching?"

Vegeta smirks "keeping up with the Kardashians."

"Why the fuck would you watch a waste of show?"

"Because it pisses you off."

Vegeta gasps when his face is slammed into the pillow, he knew exactly what he wasn't supposed to do, watch things that weren't to Kakarot's agreement, but if that meant keeping him away from the strippers, he would defy him all that was necessary, in other words:

Mr. Son disliked the Kardashian family.

"Ah, ow." Vegeta gasps when his hair is pulled roughly lifting his head from the mattress.

"You know the consequences to defying me don't you?"

"Y-yes, I'm sorry."

"You think I don’t know that you are doing this to keep me from going to the party, please Vegeta this is child's play."

Vegeta gasped, feeling the air cut as it was going into his lungs at the forceful tug given to his collar, forgetting it was there around his neck, Kakarot was angry now and he couldn't help but feel excited and afraid, Mr. Son when furious made a cruel masterpiece, not caring how hard he could break you, all that counted in this passionate rage was his pleasure only.

Vegeta, right now, was just a sex toy to be ravished and used until Kakarot calmed down. It was going to hurt he knew that much and will discover how much more pain he will feel in the next minutes.

"I can't breathe." Vegeta felt his air short from how hard Kakarot was tugging on the collar.

Kakarot tied his wrists to the bed poles, if Vegeta moved or tugged slightly, the rope would leave lovely red burnt marks on his flesh, he got off the bed and stared at Vegeta's exposed body, the curve of his back going down then up, giving shape to his ass, creamy skin ready to be filled with bruises, he sat on his heels in front of Vegeta and engulfed his lips in a hungry kiss, listening to the young boy whimper when sharp teeth bite on his tongue. Satisfied with the position and arousal Vegeta was in he stands and straightens his clothes, hands running through blue hair.

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