Chapter Eighteen

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Day 2

"Come on eat your food, Pet."

Vegeta glares at Frieza, if only his look could kill, this morning he tried to write in his journal but he was too sore to even breathe well, now this bastard wanted him to eat out of a bowl?! This nightmare, when will it end?

Frieza pushes the bowl close to him, making him wince in disgust, they blended the food and now it looked like something your stomach wants out, since he didn't move or speak to refuse, Zarbon presses his booted foot against his back and slams him down against the ground, his cheek bone hitting hard against the floor making him see stars, there was no way of defending himself with his wrists tied up, he starts pleading mercy, his voice barely coming out, his legs are kicked apart.


"Gag him, I don't want to listen to his cries tonight."

"Yes, Sir." Zarbon nods and stuffs a gag into Vegeta's sore mouth, making his whimper and struggle to free himself.

Tears of agony run down bruised cheeks, he wondered as he heard and saw another man walk into the room, did they feel anything at all from the way they treated him last night?

Muffled gasps erupt from Vegeta's tore throat, the hand wrapped around his manhood gave him slow and long strokes, Vegeta felt that he couldn't get anymore filthy than this, his toes curl when an index fingers rubs the tip of his cock, pre-cum drips onto the floor, he kept his eyes on the wall while Frieza watched and Zarbon recorded.

"He's still soft." A voice chuckles coldly.

Something slips inside Vegeta making him arch and blink wide eyes, a muffled scream when two fingers thrust in dryly without a warning, squirming he tries to get away from the abuse, he manages to remove the gag and cry out in raw pain when he's impaled by the man, pulling his hips back and forth, listening to him howl in pleasure while he slapped against him, blood runs down his thighs and is used as lubricant.

Vegeta gives up his pleads and gives them the right to abuse him as much as they pleased, nobody could hear him, that's when he remembers Black's car, his hope sparks up to the skies, Black would save him! He borrowed it just for that night, Black, he had to save him, or Broly, he never came back home, he was probably looking for him right now, he couldn't help but smile in joy and cry happily at the thought.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Maybe he finally learned that he'll never leave this place."

If only they knew.


Kakarot turns his head to look at his friend and lawyer, his blue eyes travel to the faces of the other men, he wasn't in the mood to be in a meeting, his mind was somewhere else, somewhere more important, he needed to find Vegeta.

"Can we leave this meeting for some other day?

"Are you alright, Mr. Son?"

"Perfectly fine, thank you, I just have a small headache." He says as he stands and looks at the elderly males.

Once he was alone with his best friend, he drops the authority mask and sits down, defeated for the first time, he stands looking at himself in the window reflection, where was Vegeta? Was he still alive?

"What's wrong with you? This isn't the normal Goku."

"Remember that young journalist I mentioned that day we went to Italy?"

"The one in the picture you showed me?"

"Yes, him."

"What about him? Is he the one that has you like this?"

"Krilin...I must find him."

"Why?" Krilin gasps and laughs mockingly "don't tell me you fell in love with that pretty boy!"

"What? Are you joking? No, of course not."

"Then what is it? Why do you care? They kill many everyday."

"I promised his roommate that I would find him, Krilin he's a life. Lives matter, no matter who they are, he also has a father in Texas, who waits for his call every week."

"Well this week he won't have his phone call and we don't have to worry about that now will we?"

This "friend" was impossible, Krilin was a lawyer, a man of the law who protected the lives of others, he defended women and children, men from the claws of a guilt they did not do and condemn the filth to life of misery in the cages made of metal, where the was no escape, he didn't want to have a discussion with him so he simply gave him a firm nod before looking back at his reflection, the only one who understood him in the meantime, was himself.

"Where are you?" He whispers to the window.

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