Chapter Fifty (Epilogue)

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For anyone wondering the name of the song it's Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood


2 years later...

Walking along the streets of busy New York, a mysterious man takes a walk between the people going all in one direction, him going in the opposite, glares from people whenever he bumped into them, neon blue hair defying gravity, eyes holding feelings deep inside, hands filled with hidden sadism looking for a new prey to devour slowly, his brain on the other hand, refused to let his sick games take place with another body that wasn't Vegeta's. So for now maybe even forever...

The beast slumbers.

Android 16 steps out the vehicle and goes to the other side to open the door for his master, Kakarot looks up at a building, a place left in dry lust, where all his games took place, maybe he'll come back one day, maybe he won't. Maybe they'll never hear a word from him ever again. Who knew? In time he would see but for now it was time to take a rest from this life and stay in a place where no one knew who he was,  where he could sit and drink a good cup of wine whilst enjoying the beauty surrounding him.


"Shhh...he's coming." Kakarot stops 16 from speaking and closes his eyes, slowly inhaling long and deep.

A group of chatting friends pass right beside him, in the middle a happy Vegeta, the conversation being Vegeta's birthday and drinking until the fainted and threw up, all laughing and running off to catch the bus, Vegeta smiles and waits for his friends to step on the bus first, an awkward sensation making him look away and towards the men who were now looking another way, it felt as if Kakarot was watching him, he shook his head and smiled.

"C'mon, Vegeta! Let's party!" one friend said catching the beauty's attention, who in return grinned stepping on the bus and paid the driver.

Kakarot chuckles and looks over his shoulder, watching the bus take it's leave, what a change his young love has taken, so fast in short two years.

"So today is Vegeta's birthday?" Kakarot asks as he steps in the limo.

"Yes, sir, he turned 21 today." 16 closes the door and goes to his place.

Kakarot couldn't help but feel a heavy weight over his chest, damn these feelings, melancholy and something going by the name of...


A small smile stretches the corners of his lips, what stupid timing to realize something so obvious, a feeling denied from the beginning, what things would await him in the future now that the only one who could save him was gone forever?

"Drive." Kakarot's smile disappears.

Who knows? Maybe he could find someone else to save him or maybe haunting memories would end up devouring him finally.

The end.

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