Chapter 12

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The Winter Wonderland Dressage competition seemed to creep up on me and the rest of the Advanced team at Cross Creek. One day if feels like we have a week, and the next, we are loading up the trailer. We had gone to many riding clinics taught by the greats of the equestrian sport, and had competed in many competitions. This is our final chance to make it to Nationals, and we are all feeling the pressure.

When we reach our destination, we quickly unload and check in. We get our numbers and quickly start braiding.

After I finish Taboo's mane and tail, I check the time.- 11:30. Jack's class begins at 11:45, but he doesn't show until 12:00. I show at 1:00.

We all assist Jack in tacking up and getting ready go, and by the time he mounts, he has a ten minute warmup.
"He'll do great," I say to the rest of my team.

Coach Ross gives him a few pointers before he heads out to the show ring.

I stay up at the barn while he shows so I can get Taboo groomed and ready to go. I already braided her mane and tail, so that gives me a huge chunk of time to make sure her coat is the shiniest it has ever been. I groom, groom, and groom some more, hoping it will pay off in presentation.

By the time it's 12:15, I am tacking up. I always make sure to give myself a good warmup and get to the ring 5 minutes before I am supposed to show to see how my competition is doing.

When the clock hit 1:00, I was in the ring. The test was difficult. It included several flying lead changes and a piaffe. I didn't expect to ace it, I just wanted to do well.

When all was said and done, we didn't have a very good run. It was not going to place us. I forgot one of the steps, which is looked down upon.

When the scores came out, I was beyond joyful. I may have placed 7th, but Jack placed first! He placed first, which gives us the points we need to make it to Nationals! I screamed like a little girl who just got her first pony. I just couldn't contain myself! This is it! We made it to Nationals!

We are no longer the Cross Creek Equestrian Academy Advanced Team. We were now the Varsity team. I have to text Jayce.

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