Chapter 14

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Quick Author's Note before I begin because I'm excited. It's DECEMBER! Which means it's basically Christmas. Which means my birthday is right around the corner!!! (It's the 26th) Anyways, you may continue reading now :)
As the truck pulled into the long driveway of Cross Creek Equestrian Academy, you could see what looked like the whole school standing outside at the end of the lane gathered around a sign that read "Congratulations Varsity Team!" with hearts and horseshoes all around the words.
The team stepped out of the various vehicles that transported us and we were met with the hugs of friends and fellow students, even those who weren't in the Equestrian program were excited! 

After the commotion died down, I went to grab Taboo and the other horses from the trailer so they could go rest in their own, cozy stalls. I grabbed the first horse, Red, and started towards his stall. Three trips later and the first trailer was done. My other teammates were helping unload all the tack boxes, grooming kits, and suitcases. We had come to an agreement earlier that day that if I got the horses and everyone else worked on unloading, everything would go quickly and smoothly.

Suddenly, I felt a set of arms snake around my waist and a chin resting on the top of my head. I immediately knew it was Jayce.

"Hey, loser," I said, continuing my path to the barn with Jack's horse.

"I missed you," Jayce responds, walking beside me.

"I would miss me too," I answered, smiling up at him before saying, "And I missed you."

"You want to go get some coffee when you're done?"

"Sure, but it might be a while. I still need to unpack," I whine. I hate unpacking so much.

Seeming pleased with that answer, Jayce walked back up to his house. I, on the other hand, continued on with my barn chores. Muck the stalls, feed the horses, clean and refill the water buckets, and I decided to stick around and groom Taboo. She seemed to enjoy the feeling of the curry comb against her winter coat. Of course, her being a dark colored horse, the dust and dirt was never-ending.

After whispering goodbye to my favorite girl and locking up her stall, I headed up to the house to change. I was wearing a pair of my khaki-colored practice breeches and a purple riding shirt. I'm sure that Jayce wouldn't mind if I went in this, so I gave up on the changing idea and called Jayce to see where he wanted to meet. "I'm in one of my practice outfits, so let's go somewhere that doesn't require fancy outfits."

"Oh, come on, nowhere around here requires fancy outfits."

"Then let's get on with it. Cafe in town?"

"Cafe it is."
Aaaand a quick author's note before you go. Sorry about how short this is. I'm kind of at a stand-still with ideas right now. If you have any constructive criticism, I would welcome any messages or comments. Thanks! XOXO - Affinity

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