Chapter 8

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"Would Miss Blaire Grant please step forward?"

I gave Taboo a slight squeeze and we walked forward two steps before halting.

"You will be going first. Would everyone else please go to ring 4 outside and wait there please?"

Everyone nodded and went in their way.

"Alright. So first, we will start with the Dressage test. You know what to do."

He went to sit at the judges stand while I went down the center line with Taboo. The test was difficult, but nothing we couldn't handle. A flying lead change here. A circle there.

Before we knew it, we finished the test.

Mr. Ross clapped for us as he walked up to us.

"Next on to jumping."

He lead us out to the difficult course that we had walked earlier. He smiled and nodded. We trotted around for a minute before I heard the bell signaling that we needed to start. I gave Taboo a quick pat on the neck and we ran up to the first jump. Easy over. The oxer. Cleared. The spread. Done. The combination of three jumps was harder. It took some extra push on my part to make it. Taboo was doing wonderfully. We were at the final jump of the course, the wall. Taboo took off and we soared through the air. I could feel her hoof hit something solid. Although I never heard the thump that signaled that something had fallen. We finished the course with no faults. At least not for bars being knocked. I wouldn't know about time unless I was told.

Mr. Ross was nodding his head and biting the end of the pen he was holding. "Are you ready for Cross Country or do you need a break. The course is very short. Three jumps and not much of a run."

I looked at Taboo, who still seemed to be full of energy. "Yes please, Mr. Ross." I nodded.

He nodded back and we went on our way to find a teeny tiny cross country course. We stormed through it with an amazing time but 4 jumping faults.

"Alright, thank you. Miss Grant would you please return to the arena at 8:30 p.m. please?"
"Yes, sir."
And I waited.




8:30 seemed like it would never come. But, in the end, it did, and when the clock struck 8:31 p.m, everyone who tried out earlier was gathered in the arena, this time without horses.

"Young ladies and gentlemen, in this box," said Mr. Ross, holding up a small cardboard box," are you team shirts. You will wear these proudly at competitions and around here, if you got selected. Now if I call your name, please step forward."
"Camie Delano, Jack Lambert, Penelope Panipe, Henry Cavella, and lastly, Blaire Grant. Can we please have a round of applause for Cross Creek Equestrian Academy's newest Advanced Eventing team?"

The applause seemed as if it would never stop. I had made it to the Varsity team. My riding was that good? No way! I would have to call mom and all my friends back home.

"And for your Intermediate Eventing-"

The rest was just a blur. There were many congratulations.

"The first practice is tomorrow evening at 4. That should give you an hour after classes get out to get ready. Do not show up late!"

My new life has begun.

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