6: Sightlessly Attracted

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Song: Love You Like a Love Song by Selena Gomez

After eating breakfast, which was as pleasurable of a breakfast as she can imagine, he led her back upstairs to lay back down. Apparently, she still needed her rest, so she wasn't allowed to do anything else, but rest. So once she was back in bed, she asked, "You're off on Sunday, right?" He told her that he was off whenever he wanted to be off, and she felt her mood lighten even more. "So what do you usually do on your days off? Don't let me keep you from your usual routine."

He didn't answer her question, but instead asked, "What do you do on your days off? We can compromise on something."

"Aside from preparing lessons or grading papers, I usually read or watch something on TV, and I have a garden at home that I tend to. All of the above are out of the question. I guess I can sleep and just hope that I can see when I wake back up." As she said this, she snuggled more into the covers.

"What do you grow?" he asked her.

"Well I like to grow my own vegetables, but I do have roses that I keep up. I started off as a biology major because of my love for growing things, but chemistry caught my eye when I finally started taking classes. I still keep gardening, but just because I love to."

"So chemistry, then. What made you change?" She could hear him texting away on his phone while he was asking her the question.

"How much sense it makes. There's so much we can't see, but it helps me see how the big things fit together. It's just fascinating to me that everything is so ordered and outlined. I never had order. All chemistry is is order, or well approaching chaos," she chuckled, "But you know what I mean."

"You're fascinating."

She could feel herself blush and didn't know what else to say but, "Thank you. And how about you? What do you do for a living?"

"I'm in personal finance." She knew she was right about him. She knew he had to be in finance.

"What made that stick out to you?"

"The money." Well, he sure does have short answers.

"Makes sense." Just then, she heard a knock on the door, and she heard him get up and open said door. She heard some mumbling, and then the door closed. He came over and sat on the bed next to her.

"So I have a surprise, but we'll have to get you all settled." She could definitely wrap herself up in that low, rumbling voice.

"I like surprises."

He chuckled at that, and he stopped before she could hear him laugh. She wondered why he kept stemming his laughter. She sat up a bit and looked towards the direction his voice was coming from. "Well that's good. I may have more for you in the future. What kind of books do you read?"

She didn't understand how the two connected. Surprises and books didn't really mesh right now with her condition. "Uhm, romance and/or mystery. Why?"

"Well then we're just going to have to get you a couple new books to pass the time, won't we?" He sounded proud of himself, but she was offended. Does he realize I can't read right now?

"Ha ha." She fake laughed, but she continued, "I'm going to forget that you suggest I pass my time by reading, and we can go back to talking."

"I'm not an idiot, Amelia. I have an iPad for you so you can listen to audiobooks. You can take this time to catch up on whatever books you haven't had time to read."

She sat up straight. He's giving me something to do. He's... thoughtful on top of all the other qualities she found delicious. I could totally get used to this. She smiled a big smile and turned her face in his direction. "Really?"

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