22: Mine

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The Joker pushed Amy behind him and let loose an unending string of bullets on these people.  Freddy started screaming, and she could do nothing but clutch him tighter and hide behind the Joker.  She pushed Freddy in between her and the Joker's back and put her head down and burrowed her face into his jacket.  His maniacal laugh did nothing but add terror to the situation.  He told them, "Fuck with what's mine?  This is what you get." 

He finally stopped his shooting and reached behind him to pull her forward.  He then put his hand on her lower back to lead her, and she burrowed herself and Freddy into his side.  She was horrified that she didn't even blink an eye as she stepped over the men that the Joker just killed.  There were two more situations that called for her hiding behind the Joker as he unleashed hell on anyone he approached. 

When they finally reached the door to get out, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.  Suddenly, his warmth surrounded her, and she took in a deep breath of fresh air.  Freddy's crying was nonstop at this point, and her nerves were shot, but they were finally out of there.  He led them to a limo that pulled up in front of the building.  He quickly pushed her in and jumped in after her.  He banged on the ceiling.  The car started moving abruptly.  "Stop that fucking crying, Amelia!"

"Shut up, Jason!  Or whoever!  Just shut up!  He's scared, and he's upset!"  Amy pulled Freddy closer to her and started whispering to him, "It's ok, sweetie.  We're out of there.  Everything is going to be better now.  I promise.  I'll be your mommy, and we'll eat food every day.  We'll play games, and you'll go to school, and you'll make friends.  You'll sleep on a mattress with me every night.  Your life is going to be so much better, baby.  Just stop crying.  Calm down, Freddy.  It's all over.  Shhh.  Shhhh."

When he finally calmed down, he passed out from exhaustion.  She let her head fall back on the seat.  She didn't know how any of this was going to work.  She never had kids.  She didn't know the first thing about being a mother, especially to a child who was as traumatized as he just was.

Her frustration moved to the Joker.  "You!" she angry whispered.  "You did this!  This is your fault!"

He smiled, and again, she saw that it didn't reach his eyes.  "But I saved you, so it's ok."

"NO!  No, it's not ok!  This is the farthest thing from ok!  This little boy is fucking traumatized now!  And now, I have no idea how I'm going to fix this.  There is no way to fix this.  This isn't ok."  She finally tapered off her whisper yelling in a sigh.  This is all his fault.  She looked out the window and saw that they were leaving the city limits.  "Oh, no you don't!  Take us to my home."

"Nope.  No can do.  That shit hole is trashed."

She sighed again.  There was just no dealing with this man.  He was impossible.  She shut her mouth and just let him do his thing.  She would figure everything out in the morning, but for now, she and Freddy were some sick and twisted version of safe.  She'd take what she could get right now. 

She laid a kiss to Freddy's forehead and let her head fall back on the seat once again.  The next thing she knew, she was being carried with Freddy still in her arms up a staircase.  She was being cradled to a hard chest that smelled like clean, crisp money.  She could bury herself in that safe and comforting scent.  It was her Jason.  She burrowed further into his chest and held Freddy closer to her.  She was ok.  They were going to be ok. 

He set Amy on the toilet lid, and she heard a shower start running.  He smiled a smile that finally reached his eyes and softly told her, "You guys really do smell horrible."

She knew they did.  It was a rough couple days.  After he left the bathroom, she took a second to look around and marvel in the bathroom that she just knew would be exquisite.  The walls were in a striped pattern of cream and black marble.  There was a soaking tub and a stand up shower big enough for ten people.  She gently shook Freddy awake and told him, "Bath time, sweetie."

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