56: Sight

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Song: Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding

The next shout Amy heard was, "Mommy!" from the sweetest little voice her ears had the pleasure of hearing.  She immediately braced for impact as she sat up.  She saw her darling little boy start running towards the bed, and she knew it was undoubtedly going to hurt every bruise and break she had.  She didn't know if she would even be upset, though.  She was ecstatic to see Freddy running towards her.  A very healthy, safe, and happy Freddy.

"Freddy!" she yelled as loud as her hurting body would allow.  She then heard much louder stomping footsteps racing towards the room.  Before she knew it, a shirtless J in jogging pants ran in after Freddy and swept him up in his strong arms before her laughing little boy could make it to the bed.

The smile she was wearing hurt her cheek horribly, but it didn't even phase her.  She was thrilled. Freddy was in superhero pajamas, and there was a redness to his face that spoke of sleepiness.

J set Freddy down in front of him and turned the boy's smiling face towards him with both hands.  "Mommy doesn't feel great. We have to be careful around her. Ok, bud?"

"Ok, Daddy."  His shoulders slumped, and he turned to look towards her.  "Mommy, you're back."  She could tell her was holding back, and although she was in pain, it hurt her heart even more seeing his face drop the way it did.  

"Come here, and give me huge bear hug, sweetheart!"  A much calmer Freddy walked towards the bed and climbed up at the foot board.  He crawled up the bed, and she held her good arm out to him.  When he finally leaned in and squeezed her as hard as he could, which didn't affect her much, she felt the stress immediately drop from her shoulders.  All the bad things that happened to her in the past couple days no longer mattered.  

When she opened her eyes, she saw J standing at the doorway watching them.  She mouthed the words, "Thank you," and he nodded in acknowledgement.  She hugged Freddy even harder and just held him with her good arm.  She felt the tears welling in her eyes, so she shut them tight.  She handled the entire ordeal perfectly, but seeing this little boy was what finally did her in.  

She couldn't help the tears that started falling.  She felt another dip in the bed at her side and opened her eyes to see J looking at her with concern written all over his pale, beautiful face.  She didn't see tattoos, gold teeth, or green hair.  She saw her future, her family, a man that would move heaven and earth for her and the little ones.  

"It's all ok now, baby.  I promise."  His concern for her told her everything she needed to know.  She was right to love this man.  He leaned in to hug both her and Freddy, and she finally felt like she was home.  

She thought back to that fateful day that she lost her sight and couldn't have been happier.  It was in her darkest times that she found her Jason and Freddy.  She saw everything clearly now.  She went from being an orphan to finally having her crazy little family.  She went from pushing everyone away to taking in strays that had no one, and she was ok with it.  They were hers.  It turned out that the man of her dreams had a terrible sense of humor that she loved, a style all of his own, and a heart that was hers alone.  


J thought back to that fateful day that Amelia lost her sight and couldn't have been happier. It was through his jokes that he found his Amelia and Freddy.  He saw everything clearly now. He went from being an orphan to finally having his crazy little family. He went from pushing everyone away to taking in strays that had no one, and he was ok with it. They were his. It turned out that the woman of his dreams had a sense of humor to match his, a backbone to rival the strongest of men, and a heart that was his alone.    

He nuzzled his nose on the side of her neck and whispered, "I love you, Amelia."  He laid his hand on her stomach and continued in an even lower whisper, "I love our fucked up little family, kitten."

A/N:  See the following end note.  :-)

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