43: Handwriting

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Song: Sweet Disaster by DREAMERS

Amy thought things couldn't get much better than they were at that point in her life. Weeks ago, when she slept with the fucking Joker of all people, she really felt like they had a connection. Since then, that feeling had only been cemented. He was a little lost sometimes, but she was always able to get him back on the right path. She didn't know what he was doing while he was away for hours "on business," but gift horses... She knew she would get a gold star for naivety at this low point in her life, and even though she knew it, she still couldn't question her and Freddy's fairy tale.

J was Freddy's hero from day one, but one specific day was a real turning point for their relationship. And it started out absolutely horrible. It could have been her and J's breaking point, but instead, further reinforced their family bond--all three of them.

Amelia was looking for Freddy throughout the house one day. She kept calling him for dinner, and he wasn't coming. She knew he was probably off playing with J or bothering him in his office, like he usually did when J was home, so she headed for J's office.

She heard a quiet little voice from the room, and she knew Freddy was in the office with him. Then she heard the lunatic start screaming at the top of his lungs. "I TOLD YOU I'M BUSY, BOY. GET OUT OF MY OFFICE THIS FUCKING INSTANT!"

Before she could turn the handle on the door, she felt it already turning. What she found was a terrified little boy getting ready to run for his life with the start of a full on cry beginning in his sparkling eyes. She wasn't happy at all. Unacceptable!

She saw Freddy bunch up a piece of paper and throw it on the floor in the hallway before darting past her to her room. "Honey, Freddy, wait." She followed him down the hallway, but before she got to his room, she heard the door slam. She figured she would let him cry it out for a minute and find out what happened from J--or give him a big, fat piece of her mind.

Walking back towards his office, she saw the crumpled up piece of paper on the carpet. Out of curiosity, she picked it up, unwrinkled it, and looked at it. What she found just served to tick her off further.

She slammed the door to his office open, determined to let him know how she felt about his random outbursts and his general instability. Freddy deserved a hero 100 percent of the time, not 90 percent. Either he was all or nothing, and she would make sure of it.

She found J sitting behind his desk, looking at a stack of papers. Without looking, he announced, "I'm destined to never... get anything done... in my own fucking home!" He looked up during the last part to make sure whoever barged in knew that he meant business. When he saw her, wearing a face of fury, his attitude changed only slightly. "What do you need, Amelia?"

"If you ever talk to him like that again, pregnant or not, I will beat you into next Sunday." He began to talk, and she cut him off. "No, you listen to me here. We're giving you something no one else in this world will. We're giving you a chance. But that little boy? I'm warning you. Don't ruin your relationship with that boy. That's the one relationship you have that isn't tainted by your criminal past or your murderous tendencies.

"You didn't trick him into loving you. He doesn't fear you like everyone else. He only sees you as the man with crazy green hair who bought him a bed and promises to keep him safe from his nightmares. He looks up to you, J!

"You need to think long and hard about why you're keeping us around. We already know. You need to realize it." With that, she threw the crumpled up picture at him, and it hit him in the chest. He looked shocked at her outburst. He looked like he didn't know whether to go off on her or to just keep quiet. He chose right. He kept quiet. She turned to walk out of the room. "That's what he wanted to give you." She slammed the door behind her, furious with him because of how he talked to Freddy and furious with herself for letting Freddy get attached to someone so quick to go off on him.

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