21: Numb

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Song: Castle by Halsey

What Amy guessed was about three days passed. They passed with her trying to keep Freddy entertained and trying her hardest to aim for the bucket and help Freddy aim for the bucket. She was still getting really bad morning sickness so that didn't help anything. They ran out of bread and water many, many hours ago—she would guess they ran out a day ago, but she didn't know the times. They were also freezing. She would be shocked if the two of them didn't freeze to death before getting out of this place.

Amy thought back to the conversation with Freddy that just broke her heart. She finally figured everything out, and she hated herself for not figuring it out sooner. When he was throwing a tantrum about running out of bread, she told him, "Freddy, calm down. Your parents will be looking for you, and they will find us. Everything will be ok."

"Mom and Dad are gone!" he exclaimed, still throwing his tantrum.

"What do you mean they are gone, Freddy?" she yelled at him. The tantrum was wearing on her nerves, and she had no idea what he meant by gone. Did they die?

"They told me they were taking a trip."

"They didn't take you with them?"

"No, they told me to wait for them at home." So that must be why he's always sitting in the hallway waiting. Of course he's skin and bones. He probably doesn't eat.

"They just left you?"

"I'm hungry!"

"We'll eat in a little bit, sweetie. I promise. Come sit with me."

"Do you promise?"

"Yes, sweetie. I promise."

"Do you have a baby?" What could he possibly mean by that? There's no way he knows I'm pregnant.

"No, sweetie. Why do you ask that?"

"Can you be my mommy?" Well, it looks like heartstrings are his specialty.

"Of course, sweetie. You'll never be alone in that hallway ever again." How am I going to feed another mouth on top of the baby I'm already having? There was no way Amy was letting this child out of her sight again. She would adopt him if she had to. Her parents were stolen from her. Her chances at a family kept being stolen from her when she was a child.  She was clinging to this opportunity to make sure that he never felt that way. It hurt her day in and out when she was a child, and this little boy didn't deserve that. No child did. She officially had two babies now. Good job, Amy. Figure out a way to feed three mouths now, moron.

Another so many hours passed. Amy guessed that it was at least another day or more. Freddy was getting antsy, and his crying fits were starting to hurt her ears. He would scream, "Mommy! I'm scared." She liked that he so eagerly picked up the habit of calling her 'Mommy,' but she was already failing at the job description.  He would also scream, "Mommy, I'm hungry." Her heart hurt. He had an empty tummy, and she was helpless to do anything for him. He was scared, and as much as she tried, he didn't believe that they were going to get out of this alive. She was becoming doubtful herself.

The dark started playing tricks on her mind. She tried to start games for Freddy to play, but she really had no clue how to entertain a five-year-old boy. The blackness was again trying to consume her. Just weeks ago, she wished for the darkness again, and she wanted to kick herself for it. She now saw it for what it was. She wanted the relationship and the cushy home her fraud showed her she could have. She was angry with the Joker. If he never showed her, she never would have known differently. She didn't want the blindness, she wanted the fairytale that went along with it. She wanted her eyes wide open from now on. She needed to deal with her feelings of loneliness and desperation for company.

She then heard loud noises coming from somewhere in the building. There were sounds of gunshots that got closer to the room, and they became louder, until they stopped right outside the door. Someone has come to get us? The cops? She felt excitement and anxiety thread through her stomach. She didn't know if this was the end or if they were being rescued.

The door then slammed open. She had to squint her eyes against the light pouring through the doorway. It was too much on her eyes. She then heard it, "Your knight-in-shining-armor has arrived." When he started laughing, Freddy jumped out of her arms and ran to the corner of the room, cowering behind his hands and shaking in fear.

She spat, "The Joker." She got to her feet and stood on wobbly legs.

"Now, now. Is that any way to speak to your savior? Hurry up, hurry, hurry. We must be on our way. People to see, things to do." He walked over to her and grabbed her upper arm and started pulling.

"No. Wait." She turned to talk to Freddy. "Let's go, baby. We're going home."

The Joker stopped pulling on her arm and asked, "Who's the kid?"

"He's mine. Freddy, honey, let's go," she gently told him.

"Yours? Leave him. We don't have time." He started pulling on her arm again. Her legs were still shaky, and he was managing to pull her with him.

"NO! Get off of me." At that, she pulled her arm from his grip as hard as she could. She succeeded. She ran to Freddy and grabbed him up. She then leant down to pick up her sweater. She wrapped him in it, and then told the Joker, "Now I'm ready." She told Freddy, "We're going home, baby. See? I told you everything would be fine."

He whimpered, "It's the J-Joker, Mommy."

She looked to the Joker and told Freddy, "It's ok. He's here to save us. He's a nice man. I promise."

The Joker then let his laugh loose in all its glory. He snickered to himself, "Nice man," and then grabbed her arm again to pull her forward. As he pulled them through a dank hallway filled with dead bodies, he told her, "You two really smell. It's disgusting. You should do something about that."

"Unnecessary!" she scolded. She'd deal with his shit after he got them out. The only thing she was worried about was keeping Freddy's head down so he didn't see all the gore surrounding them—the gore that she was sure the Joker caused. She couldn't find it in her to care in the least. These dead men held a woman and child prisoner and didn't even give them the basic necessities. They had a bucket, a loaf of bread, and two bottles of water. They didn't even have light. Not to mention, she was pregnant. They didn't know, but it didn't matter. She was pissed. If anything, she was happy to see he got rid of these men. She could almost feel joy seep in at seeing their gored bodies. She never did care much about people, so she didn't understand why their deaths would bother her.

As they reached the end of the hallway, they turned and saw a couple people heading their way with guns. She heard one yell, "He's here. Get him, boys!"

A/N: So what do you all think about Mr. J showing up? Are you totally fangirling? Because I definitely did the entire time I wrote this chapter. He's so not your usual hero-type. If anything, he's like really horrible at being a hero, and I love it!!! Also, do you guys notice how Amy is totally fed up with everything? She doesn't care about him killing everyone. She just wants out. How would you feel in the same situation? Get rid of them or have mercy on them? So as usual, let me know what you think and constructive criticism is always welcome!

Until next time, lovelies! Ta!

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