28: Showcase

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Amy and Freddy spent the day bingeing on all the food they could.  They weren't used to having so much food to choose from.  They eventually made themselves sick and laid on the couch in the great room watching cartoons.  Freddy was in heaven.  She didn't know that just food, a comfy couch, and cartoons could make a kid so happy, but it was written all over his skinny little face.  He was content, and that made her feel better about the entire situation.  The way J acted after her getting sick was promising.  He acted like he was concerned, and that she could work with.  And from his getting in a butler, she knew he planned on them staying way before they talked.  She guessed it was early in the morning when he got Howard in.  The baby sealed her fate, and she wasn't sure she was completely upset about it.

Going from roaches to comfy couches and heat was a big difference for her.  She could get used to having the basic necessities.  A non-infested home.  Heat.  A comfortable place to lay.  Food.  It was all so nice to have at least for now. 

Eventually Freddy fell asleep on the couch, and she felt herself drifting off.  She must have fallen asleep, because it was getting dark when she opened her eyes again.  Freddy was awake sitting on the floor in front of the TV playing cartoons with a bag of chips.  She laid there for a couple minutes, just watching the cartoons, before she heard the door open.  She heard J yell, "Come get your presents, children!"

It took Freddy mere seconds to jump up and run towards the front door.  The chips were forgotten as he threw the bag behind him, and the entire contents ended up all over the floor.  But Freddy didn't know what getting presents was like.  She could see the excitement written all over his little face.  He probably never got a present in his life. 

She stood up from the couch and slowly stretched.  She felt amazing after getting some quality sleep on that spectacular couch.  She walked towards the front door and saw about five or six masked henchmen walking through the door with huge boxes in their hands.  She then saw Freddy run to hide behind J's legs.  Amy waited to see what his reaction would be, and she was happy she did.  J turned around and leaned down in front of Freddy.  He said something in a quiet voice that she couldn't hear and then watched J rustle Freddy's hair and smile a wicked smile.  He's going to corrupt Freddy.  What am I doing?

She then watched J stand up and Freddy come out from behind him.  Without looking, Freddy lifted his little hand to grab J's.  He grabbed the Joker's hand.  J then looked down at their hands, smiled again, much softer this time, and then continued watching the henchmen bring even more boxes through the front door.  Or maybe Freddy will finally break the Joker. 

Amy walked up to the two of them and asked, "What's all this?"

"Stuff, things, you know."  She would have been shocked if she really got an answer out of him.  Amy stood next to the two and watched the henchmen bring more boxes through the door and place them in the immaculate living room.  It was an airy cream-colored room with several sitting areas, and the only hint of color in the room was a violet colored rug on the dark hardwood floors in front of a cream-colored marble fireplace.  He really does have good taste.  But I wonder why it looks like a showcase instead of somewhere people stay.  Amy wondered if this was the place where he conducted his business out of because even just having those henchmen walking around would have the place look like someone at least walked around a couple times. 

Amy also wondered at her nonexistent fear of the henchmen.  When the bank was being robbed, she was terrified.  But now?  She felt none of that fear.  Is it because I know J controls them, and at least right now, he wouldn't hurt me? 

She turned when she heard footsteps walking down the marble staircase.  Howard was coming to see what the commotion was about.  He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and stood next to the railing.  He inclined his head and said, "Sir, Madame?"

"Huh?" J looked behind him.  "Oh, you!  Howard, my old friend!  The misses is going to be needing some help soon.  Just stay, boy!  Stay!  That's a good boy!"  He let loose a chuckle, but Amy didn't find it funny.  She elbowed him in the ribs and gave him a dirty look. 

"Don't talk to him like that!  That's rude."

"It was a JOKE.  Hence the name JOKER."  He spelled it out like she was an idiot.  He wasn't going to get away with saying everything was a joke, and he wasn't going to get away treating her like she was stupid.

"J!  Really?" she asked him.  He seemed to get it and turned around and nodded to Howard.  He then turned back around to watch the commotion, but Amy sent Howard a smile.  Howard winked back at her.  I think I like him.  He gets it. 

That was when Freddy lost his cool.  He saw a big purple racecar come through the door, and when Amy realized what it was, she pretty much lost her cool too.  "Is that mine?" he turned and asked J with wonder in his voice. 

"Nope, it's mine."  As soon as Freddy's face started to drop, he completely backtracked, "Of course, it's yours!  That's your new bed!"  J turned to look at her and smiled, and she must have had the same wonder reflected in her eyes, because his smile just grew.  "Take that straight upstairs, boys.  First door on the right," he directed the henchmen. 

They began carrying the bed up the stairs and had Freddy nipping at their heels.  She didn't know such a small thing could make a boy so happy, but from the awe in Freddy's voice when he said, "This is sooo cooool," she knew J hit the nail right on the head.  He won Freddy over completely.  J nodded his head towards Howard to follow Freddy upstairs.  To watch Freddy?  How curious.

Amy then turned and laughed, "Do I get a purple racecar bed too?"  She couldn't keep the humor out of her voice, but then J went completely serious. 

"You will be sleeping next to me, Amelia."

"I was JOKING.  But I don't have to bother you, J.  I just need a mattress in some other room, and I'll be fine.  Hell, that couch was pretty nice.  I wouldn't mind sleeping there.  I'll figure something out for sleeping arrangements."

"No, kitten.  I don't think you're listening.  You will be sleeping next to me from now on.  You now have enemies.  Ones that will do everything to take you from me, and if they do, they will torture you and rape you, and then kill you.  So until I find the man that took you, you will stay right by my side, especially when I'm sleeping.  And this I'm serious about."

Amy didn't know what to make of his whole speech.  She now had enemies?  He gave her those enemies.  But he did save her and Freddy from them, and he did seem sincere in wanting to keep her safe.  And he didn't find the man who took her?  He didn't kill him yet?  "I understand."

"Good, so now onto the fun part.  Come here, kitten."  He walked into the middle of the living room and yelled, "Freddy!  Get down here now!"  He went to one of the largest boxes and started pulling the tape from the seam.

A/N: So what did you think?  Another filler, but more insight. What do you think of Mr. J at this point? Again, warning: he's still the same old Mr. J, he's confused and all he knows is that Amy and Freddy are staying with him. The rest is up in the air.  So please let me know what you think. As always, constructive criticism is welcome!

A/N 2: So 2 days until the wedding. Sorry it took so long to update, but weddings really make you busy. I'm so excited but stressed but nervous but anxious. My worst fear is that I'll trip and fall down the aisle. (Amy gets that character trait from me in reality). I will update again sometime probably mid-next week, unless I'm able to edit chapters before then. Wish me luck! Love you guys!

Until next time, lovelies (when I'm a wife!) Ta!

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