14: Blissfully Blind

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Song: Gangster by Kehlani

J thought back to the day that he first saw her. She was a pitiful thing, but she was so beautiful, and he saw red when his henchman knocked her out with his gun. He didn't know what it was about her, but she looked as lost as he felt. He couldn't help himself when he lifted his gun and shot his henchman right between the eyes... multiple times. He kept right on shooting, until it was impossible to make out that he ever had a head. It made J feel better. Problem solved. He laughed, loud and roaring over the screams from his own personal audience. He felt much better.

He then looked down at her. I'm going to have her. He threw the bag of cash he was holding towards another henchman and bent down to push her hair away from her face. She had a huge knot on her forehead where the gun hit her, and there was a trickle of blood coming from a gash in the middle of the knot. He could feel the anger creeping back in, the red threatening to overtake him. Something so beautiful shouldn't have scars, and this may leave a scar. Her beauty might be tainted. The red was coming back stronger than ever. He picked the tall and slender woman up into his arms and just held her. He took in the loveliness of her and awed at the innocence he held in his arms. The red started to fade.

She was dressed in an old Gotham University sweatshirt and a pair of over-sized sweatpants. Her hair was thrown into a haphazard ponytail with pieces sticking to her face. She didn't smell great, but that was probably due to her getting sick. I like her. Fuck the situation, when you're sick, you're sick. He had to release a laugh. She must be embarrassed. He laughed harder.

"Get me a car, now," he yelled to anyone that would listen. "And get a doctor to my home. NOW." As per usual, his purple Lamborghini was waiting out front when he made his way out the door of the bank. He could hear sirens, but that didn't faze him. He and the girl would be long gone. This did take a bit longer than usual though, so his henchmen might be getting caught tonight. Eh, oh well.

"Put the money in the car." With that directive, one of the henchmen stopped and looked at him. "Did I stutter? Did I fucking stutter? Put the fucking money in the car!" He knew he was getting caught today. Fuck him. I want to get this beauty seen by the doc. After the money was thrown on the passenger floor, he settled the girl on the passenger seat. He turned and shot the questioning henchman in the knee, cementing his being locked up tonight. "I didn't stutter." He laughed and got in the driver's seat and drove off.

After making it through traffic and to his home outside the city limits, he carried the beauty over the threshold. The doctor was waiting for him in his bedroom. He gently laid her on the bed and pushed her hair out of her face. The doctor went to cut off her clothes. "Ah, ah, ah, doc. Leave them. She threw up, and she was hit in the head." The doctor immediately put down the knife he was going to use to cut her sweatshirt. He won't see her nudity. He won't. I won't let him. I don't even know if I'm worthy. He chuckled. I will though.

The doctor looked at the bump on her forehead first. He cleaned it up and put a couple butterfly stitches over the gash. He then took her temperature and vitals, pushed on her stomach a bit, and took a swab of something from her nostril.

J then watched the doctor pry open her eyes and light up a flashlight. He went from one eye to the other. He did this quite a few times before J spoke up, "Stop doing that. Why do you keep doing that? What's wrong with her?" The doctor looked back at J, and he looked scared to say something. J reached into his jacket to get his gun from its holster. He pushed it at the skin right between the doctor's eyes. "Tell me NOW."

"Well, Mr. J, sir, she, uhm, she may be, uh, temporarily blind, sir." He was shaking at this point. J thought for a minute, trying to figure out if this was a good or bad thing, if the doctor was going to die or not. He then had a brilliant plan. He always did, hence his success. Temporarily blind? I may be able to have her if she doesn't know who I am? I could play this off. He'd definitely turn this into a good thing.

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