46: Help

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Song: Afraid by The Neighborhood

Amy cried until there were no tears left, she yelled until there was no voice left, and she prayed until figuring out that a God wouldn't let things like this happen.

It was hours like that.  She didn't know what could have been going on in the house.  A couple times she heard thuds against a wall or on the floor, but that was the extent that she knew she wasn't alone in the house.  No matter how much she screamed at the shut door, no one came for her.  It wasn't until everything went silent that she started feeling like there was something severely off with the whole situation.

She couldn't believe that the man she fell in love with left her handcuffed to a bed post, screaming and crying, and ignoring that she existed for hours.  She didn't understand why he had that girl bound and naked in his office.  She didn't understand why he kept telling her to listen.  She wasn't listening to shit that monster had to say.  She knew this would happen, but she just blindly followed the Joker's lead.  That's almost worse than going along with his murder and theft schemes.  She knew that now.  She just wanted her happy ending. 

And what the hell did he mean by "this wasn't supposed to be the end?"  That was a scary sentence if she ever heard one. 

The most scary thing about this whole situation.  She heard nothing from Freddy.  She had no idea where he was or what J did with him.  Those thoughts are what stole all of her tears, stole her voice, stole her prayers.  She just needed Freddy to be ok, and everything else wouldn't matter. 

If he has hurt a single hair on that boy's head, he's dead.  D.E.D.  Dead. 

About 10 minutes after the house went silent, she looked up at the sound of the bedroom door creaking open.  Howard crept across the hardwood floor with his finger over his lips.  She kept quiet, lest J heard her and Howard.  He finally made his way over to her, and knelt down in front of her.  He whispered, "We need to get you and Master Freddy away."

"Where's Freddy?  Is he ok?  Did J do something to him?  I'll kill him."  Her angry whispering was barely audible, but she was able to get the scratchy words past her lips. 

"He's fine.  I hid him.  Enough questions, Mistress.  He'll be back soon.  I just know it."

The rush of relief was almost enough to make her pass out, until she realized what he said.  "He left?"

"The girl.  I don't know what he's doing with her."  He pulled a key out of the front chest pocket of his suit and began to work on the handcuffs.  Meanwhile, he kept shaking his head and muttering, "This is unacceptable.  I should have seen this coming.  None of this is ok."

When he finally got the handcuffs off her wrists, she had to rub them to get the knots out.  He wasn't gentle about how he put them on, and she had red marks around both wrists.  I think I might hate him.

"Where's Freddy?" she started towards the door.

Howard stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.  "He's asleep in the downstairs closet.  We need to pack you both clothes and shoes real quick, then we'll get him."

Good thinking.  They, then, proceeded to rush through both bedrooms and shoved whatever they could into a bag.  She hurried towards the stairs, thinking only of Freddy, and Howard stopped her again.  He held out a couple bills in his hand and whispered, "This is all I have, but you need money to get away.  You can't take anything from here to pawn.  He'll trace you."

She knew she shouldn't take the money, but it was all she was going to get to escape from J.  Howard was right, J would trace whatever she took, and he'd find that.  The last thing she would want is that.  The way he held her by her throat, the way his eyes glazed over with insanity, she was terrified of him, as terrified as she should have always been of him.

She threw her arms around his neck and whispered back, "You're like the father I never had, Howard.  Thank you, but what are you going to do?  He's going to know you helped me."

"Distract him to give you more time."

"NO!"  She caught herself before she yelled any louder.  "You can't do that.  He'll kill you."

"I'll get out.  I promise.  I'll just make sure enough time has passed to let you get away.  Now, let's go.  I don't think we have much time, Mistress Amelia."  He shoved the bills in her hand and nudged her towards the stairs.

She raced down the stairs towards the closet Howard told her earlier, and she swung the door open.  In the bottom of the closet, on a couple coats, she saw her angel fast asleep without a care in the world.  She shoved the money in the bag she was carrying, and she leaned down to wrap him in a blanket, then she picked him up gently, hoping she wouldn't wake him up.

Without another thought, she rushed towards the front door.  Howard followed close behind and pulled open the door for her.  He told her, "Walk down the back road for a mile or so, I'll have a car waiting for you at the old supermarket."

"Howard, I don't know how to thank you.  Honestly.  Hopefully, everything works out for you."  With a tear running down her cheek, she turned around and looked at the house where she was supposed to raise her babies, the house that was supposed to be her home, the house where that fucking disgusting man bound and beat naked girls.  Fuck this place.

She hurried out the door and didn't look back again.  Her future was ahead of her, not behind her.  Her eyes were wide open anymore.  No more fairytales, Amy.  Never again will I be blind.

A/N:  So she left.  :(  She really didn't have any choice, though.  Let me know what you think.  Don't you just love Howard?  What do you think happens when J gets back?  Where did J go?  Does he catch Amy? 

Until next time, lovelies!  Ta!

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