18: Results

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YAYYYY!  This story has reached 2K views, and I'm so excited about it!  I wasn't going to post this chapter until tomorrow night, but to celebrate, I want to post it tonight!  Thank you so so much to my lovely readers.  Here's to the next 2K reads...

Song: A Year Without Rain by Selena Gomez

As Amy sat on the toilet lid waiting for the results a month later, her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest.  She wondered how this could even be in question.  She remembered back to their night together. She felt safe that night.  She felt confident in a future relationship with Jason.  Her feelings were all one huge Joke, and now that was what her life was turning into.  A joke.

A couple days after the night at the club, she was watching the news, when lo and behold, she saw the Joker's face plastered all over the top stories.  He robbed a different bank than the one he robbed when this all started.  Him and his goons were reckless, more so than usual.  There were 23 deaths in total.  He stole every cent he could from the place, and he left death and destruction in his wake.  He left a bomb in the safe, just to add to the terror. 

She watched as the footage showed him exiting the bank with guns blazing.  He was shooting at cops and civilians and his laughter penetrated through the madness.  He was a sick man, but she had never seen him so unhinged.  He looked at one of the cameramen taping the insanity, and he smiled.  Like she'd seen before, the smile didn't reach his eyes, but to onlookers, he just looked crazy.  He then aimed towards the camera and let loose a volley of bullets.  She couldn't help thinking he was sending her a message, but she just chalked it up to him losing it even more. 

She shivered at the thought that she slept with that lunatic, he was inside her, and she let him do whatever he damn well pleased to her body.  She shivered because she liked it.  She liked him.  She liked everything he did to her and everything he made her feel.  She shivered because she wanted him to be her future and instead he stole her future from her.  She shivered because she stood up to him multiple times, and he never once treated her as she thought he would have.  The last time she saw him in the club just cemented that she was just a joke to him. He didn't want her around him, and from the way he talked to her, her presence disgusted him. 

A couple weeks after that she had to start running out of her morning classes to the bathroom.  She completely emptied her stomach violently every morning.  She assumed it was due to the anxiety and heartbreak.  Stress will do that to a girl, but then her period never came.  When she finally realized it failed to show up this month, her stomach dropped and her blood pressure escalated to epic proportions.  This wasn't a situation any woman should be in, but here she found herself, sitting on the lid of the toilet waiting for her fate. 

She looked around at her tiny bathroom.  There was dirt etched in the grout that would never come loose.  If this test showed what she thought to be true, this was no place to raise a baby.  She thought of the roaches she found in her sink every morning, and her shoulders fell.  The fighting couple next to her kept her up all hours of the night banging around.  She had a feeling that the man was beating his girlfriend/wife, but she couldn't be sure.  He was a scary man, and he stalked up and down the hallways, breathing heavily, after they fought.  Amy never once saw the woman, but she knew there was one there from the yells.  Amy just knew there was something wrong with that couple. 

Then there was the young kid that sat in the hallway all day.  He was a skinny little thing, and he looked to be five or six.  Amy didn't know why he wasn't in school or why he was so skinny, but she was staying out of it.  If it was a better area, she would have taken it up with the police, but she realized that keeping to herself was the only way to make this place work.  One afternoon she took an applesauce cup out to the boy with a plastic spoon.  She'd have thought it was Christmas the way the boy jumped for joy.  Her heart didn't know how much it could take of this apartment building. 

Now she may have to try to raise a baby in this hellhole.  She wasn't thrilled to be in this position.  She wanted to smack herself for never once thinking of protection when having sex.  She was just so sure of her feelings and confident in her ability to make a relationship work with Jason.  Why did he have to be the Joker?  She could handle him having scars or being hideous looking.  She could take the awkwardness when he was trying to comfort her.  She could deal with the dominant streak or the boiling anger.  She stood up to him, and she was taking care of the situation. 

Her timer went off, taking her from her thoughts.  She looked down and dread overwhelmed her.  It was positive.  She was screwed.  She was going to be the world's worst mother.  She couldn't provide a good life for a baby.  She couldn't even provide a clean or quiet home or hell, she couldn't even provide heat.  There was a chill in the building that just didn't go away because none of the tenants could pay too much for heat.  There was always just the absolute bare necessity of warmth floating around the building.  The worst thing about it was that she couldn't even provide a father for her child.  He was a lunatic, and she would have to keep the news to herself.  This baby could never find out that its father was the Joker.  This child's life would be ruined.  The opposite was also true.  The father couldn't find out about this baby.  This child's life would be even more ruined. 

And although she knew she was in a terrible position, she couldn't help the spark of joy that came from knowing there was a life growing inside her.  In just a few short months, her loneliness would disappear, her sadness wouldn't matter, and she would have to push all the bullshit to the side for the life inside her.  She couldn't stop herself from thinking that the most amazing night of passion in her life resulted in a child.  A child she knew would be wonderful.  A child she knew she already absolutely adored and would do anything to protect. 

A/N: So there we have it.  She is pregnant with the Joker's baby, and although she has no idea what she's going to do, she's already in love.  What do you think about this turn of events?  What do you think she's going to do?  Will J find out, and how will he react???  Let me know what you think when you get a minute, and a vote or comment would be much appreciated if you liked what you read--or even if you didn't, let me know why.  :)  Thank you guys so much for everything!

Until next time, you beautiful readers! Ta!

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