12: Falling

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Song: Don't Let Me Down by Chainsmokers

He grabbed her hips and pulled her up. He threw her down on the pillows. She felt him grab the hem of her yoga pants and pull them and her panties down her legs. She heard shuffling at the end of the bed, and then she felt the bottom of the bed dip. She felt him start stalking up her body, and she knew then he was the predator and her his prey. She felt a tendril of excitement slither through her stomach. He grabbed her hands and held them above her head. He growled, "Do you want this?"

"Yes." She couldn't say anything else. There was nothing else to say.

"Tell me, kitten. Tell me now." He wanted to hear her say it. She was lost in him when she felt him lick the plane of skin between her breasts. She was a goner.

"I want you, Jason." He groaned even louder. He wanted her as much as she wanted him.

She felt him run the tip along her slick slit. It was all too much for her to take. She was dying in anticipation of him. She had a brief thought of protection, but it evaded her when he took her nipple between those dull teeth. He bit down with just enough pressure to cause a twinge of pain. It thrilled her. When a breathy moan escaped, he stopped his assault on her nipple and shoved deep and hard inside her. Amy's breath caught in her throat. It was too much sensation at once. He started thrusting in and out of her body, and he let go of her hands to rest his elbows on either side of her shoulders. She moved her hands to his back, and she could only hold on for the ride. She dug her nails into the straining muscles of his back, and it caused him to ram in and out of her quicker, harder, almost erratically.

He told her, "Wrap your legs, Amelia." She did as she was told and was rewarded with the deeper motions he was able to get. He nuzzled his cheek in the space between her neck and shoulder. She felt him suck the delicate skin of her neck between his lips and his teeth bit down on her—hard. She felt the dominance she knew she would get from him, and she blossomed under his attentions.

"Oh, God. Don't stop. I'm so close." He stopped and chuckled. He was deep inside her, but he stopped pumping in and out of her. "No!" He bit down harder on her neck. She tightened her legs' grip on his hips, but it didn't do anything. "Jason!" she whined. "Please! Please, please, keep going! I'm right there!"

"You'll come when I tell you to, kitten," he explained. She was thrashing under him, but he held her down with his body. She wasn't moving unless he wanted her to. She whined, and even though she knew she wouldn't be able to, she tried moving her hips under him. When she finally stopped and moved her face to where she knew his was, he grabbed her chin between his fingers and pulled her towards his mouth to kiss her. This time, there was nothing gentle about his kiss. It was an all-consuming melding of lips and teeth and tongue. It was everything she ever wanted from someone.

When he suddenly started moving inside her again, she gasped. He relentlessly slid in and out of her. He was impossibly hard and deep. She knew without a doubt sex was never like this. This was more. He was possessing her, teasing her, making love to her in only a way he knew how. He leaned his head down and whispered in her ear, "Come now, Amelia."

It was too much for her to take, and she did exactly as she was told. She splintered into a million pieces. It started in her lower belly and shot out to all parts of her body. She felt him tense above her and knew he was right there with her. Her moans mixed with his shout as she felt his warm cum flood into her body. It caused a second orgasm to roll through her body, and when she finally came down from her ecstasy, she was blissfully sated.

He rolled off of her and pulled her to lay on top of him. She told him, "I really like you, Jason," and she meant it. I am so falling. Before she drifted off into an exhausted sleep, she heard him grunt. She could only smile. She knew he wasn't going to spout words of love. It wasn't his style.

Sometime in the middle of the night, Amy started shivering so she rolled over onto her side and pulled the covers up her body. She felt Jason wrap himself around her back and nuzzle his face into the crook of her neck.

Hours later, from behind her, she felt him lift her leg over his hip, and then move his hand over her body to roll her nipple between his fingers. She heard him murmur, "You awake?" Amy nodded and pushed her hips into his hard erection. Amazingly gently, he pushed himself into her and began to rock his hips back and forth. The way he delicately handled her especially after a couple hours ago made her heart ache. She just wanted to melt into him and never come back. He then pushed the hair off her neck and kissed the skin behind her ear. He held onto her hip and slid in and out of her. She reached her hand out on the bed and gripped the sheets hard between her fingers and pushed further back into him. He melded himself to her back. When she finally felt the heat buildup in her core, she expected him to stop when she started to tense up. He told her, "Let it go, princess," and she exploded around him. He was soon to follow. Remaining wrapped around her, minutes later, she heard his breathing slow down. She was content. She couldn't understand how this came to be, but she wasn't going to question it. She was his, and there was no explanation needed.

A/N: So this is the second part of the last chapter. Let me know what you think, as usual. I was really happy with this chapter. I just love these two together. Some big stuff coming up in the next chapters. Like huge bombs being dropped.

Until next time, lovies! Ta!

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