42: Awe

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Song: Still Falling for You by Ellie Goulding

It was as if their bodies never knew of the distance. They were made for one another. They met in a clashing of lips, and it was just as intense as their first time.

When she pulled away to breathe, he pulled her nightgown over her head. He then leaned back to look at her. She felt exposed, unusually exposed--she was putting on weight and she was finally starting to show. The small round bump of her stomach probably wasn't the sexiest sight he wanted to see. Meanwhile, he was chiseled abs and arms, all delicately made into masterpieces with artful tattoos. He was pale flawless skin and lean perfection. She felt like the farthest thing from perfection.

She let her head fall forward slightly as she felt the blush creep up her neck to her cheeks, embarrassed to see what he thought of her body now. She then saw and felt a hand gently touch the side of her stomach. She looked up, and she saw awe written across his beautiful features as he traced his fingers across her slightly bulging stomach. "You're starting to show, princess." He looked up into her eyes, and she saw such intense emotion, she didn't know how to feel about it.

Before she could figure it out, he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her into him, his lips melding with hers, their bodies completely flush while kneeling. He kissed her so sweetly, but so emotionally, she thought she may just die right then.

Amy could feel the shift in the room.  It was no longer a game, who could give in first, who would have more power, who was more in control of themselves.  It was so much more.  It was about two bodies expressing every unsaid word between them.  It was emotional, and she knew she was in trouble. 

He shoved his fingers in her hair, lifted her swiftly with a hand under her ass, and once she was able to get her legs in front of her, he laid her down on the pillows.  He growled out, "Mine."  She knew he was possessive, but hearing it out loud, she felt an ache deep in her chest. 

This would be either the best thing to ever happen to her--or the worst. 

She didn't know which yet.  The frustrating confusion still had a strangling hold on her heart and mind. 

He fell forward over her, catching himself on his hands.  The grin he wore spoke volumes.  He was going to devour her because in his eyes... she was his.  She wasn't going to ruin this by getting stuck in her own head.  It wouldn't be fair to him, but even more, it wouldn't be fair to her.  She needed this, she needed him, she just wanted to fucking get hers.  And he was going to give it to her.

His hand traveled down to where their bodies met, he grabbed himself in hand, and pushed into her.  He caught her gasp with his lips and stayed still for what felt like a lifetime but was only probably seconds.  He pulled his face back and stared into her eyes, still sporting a wicked grin.  When he finally started moving, he watched every single emotion that crossed her features.  He listened to her gasps and moans.  She could tell her was reveling in making her wild with need.  She knew she was going to be quick, but she felt herself reaching the top of that peak at record speed.  Pregnancy hormones really just don't let up on me. 

He then reached down and pulled her right leg over his hip to get the perfect position to make the feeling so intense she could only explode around him.  She felt her insides flutter and her whole body tense.  She heard his yell as he coated her walls with his cum.  She knew at that moment that every single time with J would be just as intense. 

It took a few moments to come back down from bliss, but when she did, he was looking her in the eye again.  His expression told her that it was as good for him as it was her. 

She didn't know if it was the crisp clean money scent, the deja vu she was feeling, or the way her body and mind felt completely at ease, but she lifted her hand to his cheek and blurted out, "Jason."  I really have to get better at keeping my mouth shut. 

Before she could berate herself too much, he smiled a huge genuine smile that reached his eyes and said, "Oh, princess.  You don't know what you just gave me."  She didn't know.  Is that really his name then?  He then buried his face in the crook of her neck until he was finally able to catch his breath. 

Once he did, he rose from her and rolled over.  They both laid on their backs staring up at the ceiling.  "Is that your name?"

"That's what I want you to call me."


"Always with the questions, my sweet little kitten."

"Why, J?"

"Why do you need an answer?  Just call me Jason from now on."

"I'll get the answer out of you eventually."

"Maybe.  I got sex out of you eventually."  He turned his head and winked at her.

"These pregnancy hormones are a killer.  I've been super horny for months now."

"Well it took you long enough.  My balls would have exploded had you waited any longer.  Those silk fucking nightgowns I got you don't hide much, Amelia."

Oops.  She should have realized it but was always worried about too many other things to think about it.  "What now?"

There was a long pause--as if he was really trying to figure out what came next.  Finally, rolling over, he told her, "We'll figure it out as we go, I guess, sweet cheeks."

She rolled over to face him and said, "But I want to know what's going on here... between us..."

"You just don't listen, do you?  We. will. figure. it. out.  Got it?"  He wasn't angry, but he was scolding.  She didn't know why they couldn't have this conversation now.  They just had sex.  What did that mean for their relationship?  Was there a relationship?  Did she want a relationship?  Did he NOT want a relationship?  Her mind was racing a mile a minute, and she realized that she needed time to process all of this information.

"Yea.  For now."

They talked for a couple hours before finally falling into a peaceful sleep, dreaming about the future and families and the baby on the way and dreaming about finding Falcone and ending him slowly and painfully before moving on with their relationship. 

A/N:  So there you have it.  I hope you liked this chapter.  It wasn't really the easiest chapter to write because I wanted to show their emotions more than the actual goings on.  lol.  I'm sure you guys wanted the goings on more, but tough!  ;-)  Please let me know what you think if you get a chance. 

Until next time, lovies!  Ta!

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