20: Blind Games

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Song:  Hysteria by Muse

Amy's first thought was to comfort the boy. He needed her more than she needed him. She told him, "Come towards my voice." He sniffled, and she thought he may not listen, but then she heard shuffling. She continued talking so he could find her. As soon as she felt a little hand grab her shoulder, she grabbed him up. She cradled him to her chest, and her heart broke further. He was skin and bones and weighed almost nothing. She wondered about his parents and why he was always in the hallway. She wondered why he was taken along with her.

"Do you remember anything, sweetie?" she asked him gently.

He told her, "Big scary guys t-took me. You were asleepin'."

So Amy assumed she was already out before they took the boy. "Do you remember anything else?"

"N-no." He started crying again. She could just imagine how scared he was. The dark wasn't an easy thing to deal with. Unfortunately for her, she had plenty experience.

"What's your name, honey?"


"My name's Amy, and everything is going to be ok. I promise." She held him tighter and rocked his little body in her arms. She didn't know if everything would be ok. This time she didn't have the luxury of Jason sitting at her bedside when she woke up. Or well, the Joker.

Amy calmed herself down as much as possible. She didn't feel like she was hurt, and he wasn't acting like he was hurt, so it was a little win. She could figure this out.

A scary thought wormed its way into her head. Joker wouldn't do this to us. Would he? She cringed, knowing there was a possibility. He was just sick enough to put her back in the dark.

She then heard footsteps. With no warning at all, a door swung open and light poured into the room. She held the boy tighter when he started shaking. He grabbed hold of her sweater and held on for dear life. There were two large silhouettes in the light shining in the doorway.

"So this is J's bitch, huh? You're a real pretty thing. I see why he likes you."  She then saw a camera flash.  A picture?  Oh my God!  They're going to taunt the Joker!

She stood up and set the shaking Freddy behind her. "Who are you? Why are we here? What does this have to do with him?" She stuck her chin out and set her shoulders back. She would win this one. She had an unborn baby and a small child that she would fight tooth and nail for.

"All the questions. Chill out. J's gonna get what's comin' to him, and you're our ticket. Just hold tight, and you both'll be dead soon. Don't worry." At this, Freddy grabbed the bottom of her sweater and hid underneath it. He grabbed her thigh and wrapped himself around her leg. The poor thing was terrified. The man continued, "Until then, let's not piss everywhere, doll. There's a bucket in the corner. Give me a couple days, and we'll deal with ya. Keep the boy in check, too."

At that, he dropped two bottles of water and a loaf of bread on the floor and slammed the door, covering the room in darkness again. The shivering boy under her sweater said, "I-I don't wanna d-d-d-die." He could barely get the word out.

Amy had no choice but to pick the boy up and in a strong, but calm whisper told him, "We aren't going to die, sweetie. Amy's got this under control." She felt like she was everything but under control. She didn't know her options or a plan or anything else. She just knew that the Joker had nothing to do with this. Well, he did. He just didn't take them. It was his fault she was in this position.

After explaining that death wasn't in the plan, the boy ran towards the direction of the water and bread. "No, no, no. I don't think so. You give them here." She felt around, and he was holding the bread out to her. She took it and broke off a small piece and gave it to Freddy. She knew from his nonexistent eating that he would have scarfed the entire loaf down in seconds. She didn't know how long they were going to be there, but from what the man said, it may be a couple days or more. She was rationing off everything immediately.

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